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(Pic of Jessica's wolf.)

I jog with Leah and Embry into my house. They go into the living room and go get some snacks. I rash on the couch giving them each a bag of chips and some 12-pack of soda. Leah and I eat like the guys and our wolf. We don't have to worry because we are always exercising and no matter what we won't gain any weight. If we don't eat as much as we do we would be starving ourselves.
"So what do you think about later today?" I ask them.
"Um it's okay I guess." Embry says and we listen to him. "What I mean is that we don't know how to handle these leechs." He explains.
"I don't like most of the coven, I don't like Bella Swan either. But we have to help them. We got no ther choice." Leah sighs.
"I agree with both of you. Mostly Leah tho." I say. "We have to do this. We didn't get to choose to help the coven. If we were able to choose I wouldn't help. I'd be out with Leah maybe you watching a movie or something."
"Let's just chill ax until we got to go." Embry says. I sit back and chill ax for a while.

I hear a howl and open my eyes. Embry is already standing up, Leah and I are taking our time. "Hurry up." Embry says moving around throwing the trash away.
"Sam can wait." Leah responds stretching.
"Do can the Cullens." I agree with her. We walk out to the woods behind my house to phase.
That feels good. I say stretching my front paws out.
Get over here we are waiting on you guys. Sam orders.
On our way alpha. I respond and we run Leah and I racing there.
Let's go. Sam barks and we run behind him to where ever we are meeting withthe leechs, and Rosalie. Slow now we will be there any time now. Sam says slowing down so we care walking.
Yup I can smell them. Paul says wrinkling. I
We walk over a hill on the other side stands the Cullens in a line, as well as Bella Swan. Sam stands infront of us and we we stand at his side in our order. Sam up front with me to his right. Behind me stand Paul, Leah, Seth, Brady. Across from us from me to Brady stand Jacob, Jared, Embry, Quil and Collin.
"They don't trust us enough to be in their human form." Edward tells his family.
"They can that's what matters." Blonde guy says, I'm guessing that he is the doctor Cullen. He walk away with Edward.
"Hey Jake." Bella says and I can't resist it. I growl at her earning a bigger growl from Jacob. I move and stand with Leah, Embry and Quil.
"Welcome." Carlisle says standing I'm front of us. "Jasper has experince he will teach us how to defeat them." He says pointing to another blonde vampire standing beside him.
How are they different from you? Sam asks and Edward says just as Sam said.
"They are a great deal stronger then us, because their own blood lingers in their tissues." Carlisle explains. "our kind is never as physically as in our first several months of this life." He steps back and looks at Jasper.
"Carlisle is right that is why they are created." He looks at each one of the pack members. "A new born army doesn't need as many as a human army. No human army can stand against them." His face stays emotionless through the while lesson. "The two most important things to remember are first never let them get their arms around you they will crush you in an instant. Second, never go for the obvious kill. They will be expecting that. And you will lose." He says in a somewhat terrifying voice. Embry steps back one step.
Scarry mutt. I tease him.
I'm not scared. He says moving back and standing straight.
Sure. Leah says. He growls at her.
Calm down you three. We are here to learn to fight what is coming. Sam says using alpha voice. We shut up and pay attention to then again.
"Emmett!" He calls out. Rosalie's guy walk up and across from Jasper. "Don't hold back." He says taking position.
"Not in my ages." He says. Emmett charges at Jasper who stays standing but stops and Emmett throws him to the other side. He runs towards Jasper to get thrown on the floor and beaten. "Never lose focus." He says looking down at Emmett. Edward and Carlisle stand looking at each other before running at each other.
Em want to bet? I ask him.
Sure. He answers. I bet 20 onthe doc is going to win. He is older which means more experience.
That's fine. I bet 25 on Edward winning. We can read your mind which means he nows what move your thinking of doing. I was so confident Edward is going to win. I look at Bella, she looks worried. Poor Bella Swan. I say.
Shut up Jessica. Jacob snaps at me.
Sorry I forgot you were here. I say, I look back at the fight. Carlisle is on the floor and Edward looks up at me.
"You git the 20 dollars he says."I smile.
I know I did. From the beginning. He smirks and Jasper walks past them.
"One more thing." He says and Edward looks at him, and then he is pinned to the floor. "Never turn your back on the enimes." He says.
More like I lost 25 dollars. I say. Edward gets up and looks at me.
"I tried." He says.
It's fine. I tell him, he walks next to Bella Swan.
Hand them over. Embry says.
How am I supposed to do that if I don't have money with me right now. Wait tell this is over. I tell him, and I hear a soft chuckle from Edward. I'm cool with him being in my head because I trust him. He seems like a nice guy, and so far that is what he has showed me. Then Jasper and Rosalie were next. Leah and I cheered for her but of course she couldn't her us. At the end she lost. Oh well. Then pixie and Jasper went next. Pixie defeating Jasper this time. Leah, Embry and I go with Rosalie and Edward. Jacob goes next to Bella and they talk well he listened she talked.
"I now how you feel Jessica." Edward says, Embry, Leah, and Rosalie let us. "I don't like seeing her with him." He says we both look at them.
Edward you aren't bad. I want to tell you something. I say.
"Okay." He says.
Well Rosalie also knows what I'm going to tell you as well as Paul, Leah and Embry. I tell him everything about Jacob and I as well as other things that have happened.
"I'm sorry he has done that to you. As you know. Whenever you need anything Rosalie and I will help you out." Edward says.
Thank you. I've had this thought and I'm pretty sure you have as well. So many times I've tried to forget him but it's impossible. I want him to be happy and keep going with his life. For him to find someone else to love his life with. Let him be with Bella because sometimes I figure that she would be better for him then me. I tell him.
"I now what your saying. That was why I left to Voltura. I wanted her o go on with her life without me. Many times after I've thought of leaving again and having her stay and live a life without me. Like if I've never existed. I've also thought that Jacob would be better then me in many ways for her." Edward agrees. I feel like he feels comfortable with me as well as I do with him.
But it's impossible to let them go.
"Yeah. We just hurt them more when we do those things don't we." He says and I nod.
Time to go. See you Edweirdo. I say doing a wolf smirk.
"See you Jess." He responds smiling at me. I walk over to Embry and Leah.
He is in. He knows what you guys, Paul and Rosalie know as well. I tell the two. I tell them looking at Edward who is next to Bella now.
Let's go home. Sam says and we run racing each other. Like always I'm first Leah right behind me and then Jacob Sam and the rest of the guys with Seth, Collin and Brady last.
"Hey Emily." I say when I walk in the living room. She is sitting on the floor with a little girl who looks around the age of 3 and 4.
"Hey Jessica." She says standing up holding the girl in her arms.
"How is this cutie pie?" I ask tickling the little girl, she moves around in Emily's arms.
"I'm Claire." She says when I stay tickling her. Claire, Emily's niece.
"Nice to meet you Claire I'm Jessica." Everyone comes in and like always Sam goes to Emily and kisses her scars gently and then...
"Eww." Claire says covering her eyes. I take her out of Emily's arms.
"Eww is right Claire - bear. There are kids in here. Lots of them." I yell her. I sit down between Embry and Leah like always. "Guys listen up." I tell them and then their attention is on me. "This cutie is Claire. Emily's niece. Claire these are the other kids." I say. "Claire these boy is Embry, and the girl is Leah. Then we have Paul my twin brother, Jared, Seth Leah's little brother, Collin, Brady, Jacob." I say trying not to say his name with disgust. "Then we have Quil. And,you know Emily and Sam." I finish, she looks at everyone remembering what they look like and their names. When she looks at Quil. He freezes and I feel like claire felt something because she was off of my lap and walkimg to Quil. "You took her away frome Quil." I whine.
"I didn't mean to... I.." Quil says picking her up and putting her on his lap.
"I know Quil. I was playing with you." I say and everyone goes bak to what they were doing. Embry clears his throat to get my attention. He sticks out his hand and I give him a high five.
"Jessica." He says. Ugh he had to remember. I get my wallet and give him the 25 dollar I bet. He counts them to make sure it is 25 and puts them in his pocket. "Thank you Jessica." He says.
"YOU DID WHAT!" Everyone stops talking and looks at Emily and Quil.
"Emily I'm only going to be her protect her that's it. I'm not going to let anything happen to him. If when she is older she doesn't want me then that's fine she doesn't want me and I'm gone." Quil says, Emily is holding Claire now.
"Let me think about it Quil." Emily says looking at Claire. "Mean while she is going to be with me." She walks with Claire to the kitchen.
"Aunty Em I want to go with Qwil" Claire begged Emily. all of us look at Quil with sadness. those who have imprinted now what he is feeling. He stands up and goes outside. Probably to phase and think everything out. Poor Quil Emily went alittle to far this time. We can't be away from our imprint or else bad things happen. I always see Jacob, that is how we are both alive. I look up as I feel someone looking at me. Jacob is looking at me with sadness. Sometimes I wish I could be like Edward. Being able to read people's thoughts, but it has its flaws. I wish I knew what Jacob is thinking right now as he watches me. Every time he sees me what does he think about me?

Jacob's P.O.V

Poor Quil. He found his imprint and now he is being taken away from her. I look at Jessica and she is sad too. When we were training and I was with Bella I noticed her talking to Edward as they watched us. I wonder what they were talking about. I want to ask her but I'm afraid it will end up as an argument. I sigh and look away from Jessica and stare at the sealing. Am I choosing the right path? I guess the only way to figure out is to find out what awaits at the end. I can't be in the same room as Jessica it makes me think about all the pain I've caused her. I stand up and walk home. Imprinting is something o wanted. After I i.printed on Jessica I wondered if it was possible to unimprint on someone. But it wasn't possible. I wanted to unimprint on Jessica to imprint on Bella. Now to have what I want I'm just hurting someone who is tied to me because of our ansesters, the Spirits.

Imprinting is not always right *Jacob Black*Where stories live. Discover now