Amazing thrift

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"You're bluffing! I get to choose anything here!?" the excited person said to a shopkeep.
"Yes Y/N, isn't it your birthday? You deserve at least one free thing to choose from the thrift store, I know you love this place as you've told me many times in the past."
"Sandy you are amazing," Y/N said then hugged Sandy tightly.
"Don't do that again, I felt a blood vessel pop!" Sandy responded then let me run loose. There was no one in the store so I decided to run around in hopes I would find something that I know I can enjoy. A VHS might be good, my own personal collection was growing. Although I did need a new mirror since I threw my shoe to kill a spider and it shattered. I went over to the small shelf of books and looked at some. They had some good ones like New Moon, Percy Jackson, Unwind, and an autobiography by someone named David Bowie? Although one book was quite pleasing to look at, it had a mystical aura to it. In red and gold the book called itself "The Labyrinth", no author, no release date. The book looks very old, but very well loved as well. I had an extensive collection of old books that have been on my shelf, have been read, and have been re-read. A new book would be a nice addition, and it was time for me to get interested in something other than D&D, and writing my OC's backstories. I also needed to distress from finding a college to look into. I hated being in high school, and technically being an adult. I took the book from the shelf and took it to the counter to show Sandy my amazing find.
"Look." I said menacingly and stared at her with my wide eyes and expressionless face.
"Oh wow, I don't remember shelving that. Gus probably did though, although he doesn't usually stock the books," Sandy replied.
"I need it, it just calls to me," I say with my over-the-top "theater kid" voice.
"Oh yes, this book is just to DIE for. I quite enjoy... The Labyrinth? Huh, I never heard of this book before."
"No author, no information. I suppose it dates back before the 1900's. That's what drew me in, it's mysterious!"
"You did like mysteries, I remember your whole spiel with the Sherlock Holmes books and show."
"That fixation was good, I always loved solving mysteries. Maybe I can solve the mystery of what year this was made."
"Sounds good Y/N. How is everything by the way?"
"Still searching for a college that pursues wanting to become a crime scene analyst. The colleges that do that are hours away. Life is boring for the most part.
"Are you going out tonight with Calypso? For your birthday in all?"
"We broke up about a week ago, they said they fell out of love and wanted to pursue someone with similar interests. I don't blame them though, we had nothing in common."
"That sucks, at least it's your birthday and you get cake. Enjoy turning nineteen!"
"Thanks Sandy!" I left with a book in my hands and the sky looking nice. Although I wasn't looking to go home right away, I wanted to get started reading my new book. I knew that there was a nice park around the block. As I kept walking I felt eyes on me so I started skipping nervously. I like skipping, people think I'm weird and that's okay. Standing out does not bother me, like it does to other people. A flutter of feathers made me pause and turn around to see a fluffy barn owl. And my god... he is adorable. I feel like I'm having a Disney princess moment. I slowly tiptoed towards the owl, which was very much minding his own business and sitting in a tree. Oh my god, he is looking at me.
"I love your feathers," I say creepily as I touch the top of his head. He was so soft and gave me a weird, judgmental face.
"I am weird, bird, get used to it you amazing creature. I'm sorry that I had to choose my first words as something very creepy, I just love birds and geckos. Birds are better in some ways, but I can not betray my love for leopard geckos." The bird looked amused, and let me pet him.
"I'm getting off track, let me fulfill why I am here." I take my book and just sit, no bench, just on this tree with an owl. The owl came down from the tree and sat by me, looking at my book.
"Hoot," the owl said which probably meant "hey cutie that's a rad book you got there".
"It's an amazing book right? So beautiful and mysterious." I flip the page, and the story begins.

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