¡Viva la revolución!

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I'm not very much of an athletic person, I just have a lot of energy. So getting into the labyrinth was a bit of a challenge. Looking for a door was annoying, I was wasting precious time, and  I needed a boost or some sort. I looked around me to see if there were any annoying trolls, goblins, dog creatures, or monsters around me. The only thing I saw was dead pixies lying on the ground. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a fuzzy thing and go over to it. It was just a worm. As I was about to walk about I heard a very annoying voice.
"What the barf, " I say to myself.
"Excuse me, stranger, I was wondering if you could take me to my home. Seems like I took a wrong turn! The missus will be wondering where I am."
"How can you talk, this is scientifically impossible."
"I'm not sure stranger!"
"My name is Y/N, where is your home at?"
"It's just past the door, keep walking then my home is on the left. Although my summer home is at the second door of the labyrinth."
"Second door?"
"Oh yeah, Jareth has all sorts of passages so he can get around from level to level. They are very well hidden!"
"If I took you to your house, could you show me where these doors are?"
"O sure! It's not every day a new person enters this old labyrinth."
"Who was the last person?"
"A girl younger than you, her name was Sarah Williams. Nice girl, a little stupid though. Asked me if I was a worm! Of course I am, I'm not quite the king of the labyrinth."
"I wonder if she was in the same predicament as me..."
"Usually the people of the labyrinth are aware of who enters. We have a sort of sixth sense to us, living here connects you to everything I suppose. Not all of us have that sense though."
"If you are connected to the labyrinth, why didn't you just go back to your house if you know where everything is?"
"I'm a worm, I can't go that fast."
"Right. Let's not waste any time." I take my hand and carefully scoop the worm up. I put him on my shoulder as I walked to a large door.
"No need to go this way, I know a shortcut!" the worm tells me. He urges me to go headfirst into the wall next to the door. I'm cautious, but if Harry Potter taught me anything, it is to go headfirst into a solid wall and trust you won't get hurt. I take a running position and start going as fast as I can into the wall before a voice tells me to stop.
"What are you doing!? It's an illusion, not magic!" the worm frantically tells me.
"Oh." I walk and move my head back and forth, revealing the illusion. As I walk through I see something familiar, more walls and glitter on the floor.
"He sure likes his glitter, I bet most of his budget goes towards his glitter addiction."
"Jareth is an interesting fellow," the worm replies. I walk left as instructed by the worm, the narrow path is scattered by eyeball moss creatures on the walls, and many branches despite there being no trees around.
"There it is! My home!" the worm shouts in my ear. I wouldn't have seen it without him mentioning it, it was a quaint hole in the wall, small enough for a worm to live in. I set him down on the rocks as he went inside. I waited for a moment before he took something out, it was a scroll of old paper.
"I'm glad I can help you. I should be going now."
"Now hold on for just a moment, I promised I would show the secret doors! Now take this paper, it is a location of the doors and secrets just in case you find yourself in an oubliette. Down here they are traps for unexpecting visitors, made to make people give up and waste time. But, with this paper, it has blueprints of how to escape and the best way to make it through tough areas." I take the paper and put it in my hoodie pocket.
"Thank you for this sir. Where should I go next? Is there a hidden passage out of this area as well?"
"Ah! Look at the paper, it should have the next passage out of here. It is so refreshing to see open-minded people who don't take things for granted. Sarah was one of those girls, never dependent on herself, although asking for help is always good. She did it all the time, which was very annoying I heard from other people who live here." I looked at the paper, it was blank. There was some sort of trick to this. I try imaging passages in the labyrinth, specifically around this area. The paper slowly filled with words in ink, illustrating a passage in front of me. I step forward and find myself in the wall. Walking towards the left I hear a voice.
"Wait! Don't go that way! Never go that way!"
"Why not?" I ask the worm.
"That path will lead you straight to the castle."
"Actually, that's where I'm heading, I'll see you!"
"A very clever individual. I should be checking on the missus."

Jareth's POV:

I have a splitting headache from all the noise coming from the dungeon. I knew it was a mistake bringing all those high schoolers to the labyrinth. The goblins have all run off to shield their ears from the yells and people screaming "revolution!" I need to shut them up or I will go against my word and turn them into goblins this instant. I take one of my crystal balls with me and transform my outfit into something presentable and regal, which involves lots of glitter. The clicking of my shoes echoed through the stairwell, straight to the dungeon. Many of the children had separated into four groups. One group made themselves look rugged and ripped their outfits and played the role of being in a human prison. The next group over was playing guessing games, trying to entertain themselves after I told them they would be there for thirteen hours. There was a group that was just yelling to be let free and panicking for their lives, which I don't blame them. The last group was doing nothing, mainly talking with one another about random topics. I see the kids, plus a teacher, turn their heads to me. Many start trying to shout and ask questions to me.
"¡Viva la revolución!"
"I want my phone call!
"When do we get food, you are legally required to feed us."
"Can I have a new pillow? My friend stole mine for her pillow fort."
"I'm bored!"
"Quiet! All of you!" I shout, making my headache worse. "You have been here for an hour, and yet I already have a headache! If I hear one sound from any of you, I will raise the stakes for the person trying to get out! I will also throw half of you in the bog of eternal stench!"
"Great, he's a thespian," one person said.
"Hate to break it to you but most of the students here smell of BO, it's not going to make such a difference," another said.
"I don't want another sound," I say, sauntering out of the dungeon. I go back to my throne, I sit and take out the crystal ball from earlier.
"Show me the challenger," I ask. I see the person from earlier go through the maze, heading in my direction. Luckily, I had an oubliette set up. I smile at the prospect of an actual challenger who was smart enough to find the right way through the labyrinth. It gave me a bit of hope that they would win fairly. Although, I dislike the idea of losing potential citizens for my kingdom after long years of waiting. I needed to throw them off course. I threw my crystal ball at a wall, and magic and glitter burst from it, opening a hidden passageway. I don't look back as I enter through it.

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