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I felt the weight of my chest go up and down, the wind was slowly blowing through my hair. Abel was looking up at the sky, filled with rich colors of gold, red, and violet. I thought about my friend, locked up and scared as anyone would be if they got kidnapped by a gay Tinkerbell. I felt my time with Abel was nice, it was a personal moment between the both of us. I looked over at Abel, it was high time that I made more connections with other people. I cleared my throat which made Abel turn his head to look at me.
"We never properly got to know each other. If I'm going to follow you in this maze, I want to know who you are. I think we could be close. Sorry if that came off the wrong way, I'm not good at being social at times," I say sheepishly.
"I suppose I'm not either. It's hard to say how I feel without someone interrupting me."
"Exactly! It's like, shut up I'm trying to say something. It's so annoying," I suddenly burst out.
"I would say that I haven't mastered waiting for an answer. I'm very direct, and if anything ruins my plans and sets me off from my original plan, I get irritated. It's hard to adjust to change especially if you have been doing the same routine for years."
"That's not healthy though, as much as you like your routine, it's just going to make you feel more awful if something sets you off again. I'm not trying to invalidate your opinion but I do get it. My ex, Calypso, was very much keen on routine and it was hard to do things differently without being criticized all the time. They had a routine for me every day and expected me to follow it, I can't blame them for doing it though. It can be hard for others to adjust to change," I say, I slump close to the ground. Abel scoots closer to me, still keeping a distance.
"For the longest time, I was caught up in this person. I was struck with a new feeling of being ignored, I was always adored and worshiped by other people in a small town. Yet that one person changed my tune and I spent my time thinking about them. I would help her when she was at her lowest. I would do the same charade, and over time it became something unhealthy and I invested all my time in that... stupid... girl." He looked distraught so I came closer and tapped his shoulder, holding out my arms. He looked down before he caught on to what I was trying to do, and he nodded softly. I gave him a soft hug and closed my eyes, I could tell that he enjoyed talking to me. He practically melted in my arms.
"She wasn't worth it," I commented in his arms.
"She was though. Or so I thought. You get heartbroken so many times that it starts to numb you, it sticks in the back of your mind." I rest my head on his chest and pat his back.
"She's probably blind, I mean, who could turn down such a nice person?"
"No I'm not nice," Abel says jokingly.
"Yes you are, I mean what kind of person helps me try to get to the center of the labyrinth? You're nicer than you think Abel."
"And what about you? You're so selfless for rescuing all those classmates of yours, even though most of them are not close to you."
"They don't deserve to be locked up or turned into goblins. All of their families would question how they all disappeared. I couldn't imagine losing a family member. Especially my mom and dad, and my siblings. I would do anything for them, no hesitation."
"Isn't that peculiar though, it's usually children who are wished away from their unlawful siblings."
"Like Sarah Williams."
"Where did you hear that name?" He questions me with a hint of anger.
"A worm told me about her. Although I never got enough information about her."
"She was such an average face. She cared about her brother, but not as much as she loved herself. She didn't get her brother out of love, but out of fear from her parents."
"Did you get to meet her?"
"Unfortunately. Always said everything wasn't fair, I asked her what her basis for comparison is." I laughed a bit, realizing I was still in the arms of Abel. I moved around a bit, standing up and stretching.
"We shouldn't waste any more time. We can talk while walking, however." I help him up as something falls from his hand, it is a small crystal ball. Similar to the one that Jareth carries with him. I look at him, then at the crystal. I slowly pick it up and examine it closely.
"Where did you get this?" I ask him, a bit suspicious. He hesitates for a moment, beads of sweat forming from his temple.
"Well... I stole it from Jareth. I always get lost around the labyrinth, I thought I could use this to navigate around all sorts of obstacles." He seemed nervous, but I believe in giving people another chance so I tried to ignore how he got it.
"You're not trying to... cheat, are you? I could get in big trouble with Jareth if he finds out."
"He won't find out, he knows who I am. I am trustworthy, you could say that we are close." I put my hands in my pocket, I felt the paper scroll. I debated whether or not I should tell him about it. I mentally shake my head and take my hands out of my pocket. Maybe if he redeems himself, I might tell him, but for now, I need to be on my guard just in case he works for Jareth.
"Let's go, we need to go towards the music coming from the north. There is a special garden shortcut I want to show you," he tells me and starts to walk away. I dust off my clothes and follow behind him. The shrubbery from before turns back to familiar yellow brick walls. The music from before is louder and rings in my ears. The path changes and we come to a crossroads, three different paths. The paths all have a door to them, no way to look up or around them. The first door had a modern look to it, something that would be seen in a suburban neighborhood. The second door had an old and creepy vibe coming from it. Rusty nails and broken wood were all that was made from it. The last door reminded me of the houses in the shire. It was painted yellow and had a friendly look to it.
"So, what door do we choose?" I asked Abel, but he seemed more consumed in the crystal ball. I saw images of something appear on it, but I couldn't get a good look at what they were.
"The third door, that should lead us to the garden." I opened the door, the music I could hear clearly for the first time. The greenery around me made me wide-eyed and astonished. The flowers and plants were all some sort of musical instrument. The daffodils sounded like trumpets, the periwinkles had the melody of flutes, and the sunflowers sounded like mandolins. Every flower had its unique sound, together, they sounded like a beautiful orchestra. They all played together which created a unique song. As I kept walking through the garden I noticed an abandoned gazebo, overgrown with vines. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I looked over to see Abel holding out his hand. I grabbed it and he positioned himself in a waltz pose and we danced to the music. I couldn't help but try to lead the dance. I looked into the eyes of my dancing partner, I couldn't help but notice his mismatched eyes. They reminded me of night and day, both beautiful and so mesmerizing. After a while I decided it was time to go, yet I couldn't escape his grip
"Abel, we need to go, more hours have probably passed already," I say, struggling to get out of his hands. He looks sad for a moment but eventually stops dancing and gets out of our little waltz. Yet, as he does that I kept dancing. My arms and legs were controlling me.
"Abel, I can't move. Abel, what's going on- I- I can't stop dancing."
"I'm so sorry Y/N, I lied to you. This was Jareth's idea."

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