Nothing Bad Ever Happens to the Kennedys

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I know it sounds crazy though, yet, it seemed so real. I dreamt about being in the labyrinth. I was wearing a normal outfit, just exploring the labyrinth, looking for something. My brain made me focus on not just getting out, but I really wanted to find something. I saw so many beautiful sights, yet I felt an uncomfortable energy near me. As I turned the corner I was in a ballroom. It was an intimate space, there was no one there, and it was decorated like you were in a fantasy world. There was silk and gold all around, but what caught my attention was the decor. Before I could take in everything, I saw a figure of a man at one of the tables. He held his head like he had a headache. He didn't seem to notice I was there. He was a beautiful sight I will admit. He had soft golden hair that seemed to have glitter in it. His eyes were mismatched and his ears were long and pointed, similar to an elf's. He wore a white poet shirt and very tight pants, paired with long black boots. His aura was dark, yet I wanted to come closer and felt compelled to touch his fluffy hair. I musnt though. I came closer, but as he snapped his head I woke up in a sweat. I observed the room, no owl. I slowly trudged myself to the kitchen, looking for (fav drink). I scoured the fridge, reaching my hands in and tossing them about trying to find something. I settled for some apple juice that was half empty. The time was six, and I had to be at school at around seven-thirty. I hurriedly poured myself a glass, then headed to my room to get dressed and get ready for school. I was drowsy but I did everything necessary to haul to school. I looked over at the book that sat on my dresser, I wanted to take it to school so I set it in my bookbag. With my outfit composed of sweatpants and an oversized hoodie, I was reading to learn something useless. I took off to the door and grabbed the keys to my car.

Jareth POV:
I'm mentally cursed by this book. As a part of fae magic, you use a lot of yourself to create a magical item. It's a part of you, through death. As much as I want to do nothing, doing something is much more interesting. You're a creature of chaos, you were made to cause havoc! As I sit on a branch in my owl form, I see them. The book owner is heading to school, an idea pops into my head. I fly over to the nearest high school and transform into a human form, much like my fae form, just, much more dignified. I looked like a neat, substitute teacher do I not? The idea was simple, mess up everything that happens in a classroom, a simple way to pass time. Although most fae like to do things in the shadows, it's much more fun to be there in person. I just had to convince some people that I was here for a substitute position, nothing a little hypnotizing can do.

Back to Y/N:
I parked the car and went into the school, everyone was talking to their friends and crowded the narrow hallway. I pushed my way to the classroom, I wanted to see my favorite teacher, Mr. Kennedy. He's so cool, he liked the only reason I came to school. But as I entered I saw someone else, IT WAS NOT MR. KENNEDY. He was this string bean-looking guy, with blonde hair, and wearing a suit. He looked familiar though. I was a bit mad that we had a sub, but I just slumped down in my seat and took out my book. The sub turned to the class and got startled at my presence which I thought was hilarious.
"Hey, where is Mr. Kennedy," I asked him.
"None of your business," he responds in a snarky tone. Oh no, he was British. I couldn't support that. Now that I had a view of him, he looked like the person in my dream, a few things were different though. I got up out of my seat and went over to him, he sat at the desk with his legs up on the desk.
"May I help you?"
"You look-" Now I could have said anything to this stranger, like "you look like an actor or a very fruity man", but no. My brain responded:
"You look like that one dude in my dream." I leaned into his face which he responded with an almost concerned and weirded-out face.
"I can assure you, that I have never met you."
"No, you look exactly like him, just minus the getup."
"Yeah, the dude in my dream looked like a very gay pirate who plays D&D."
"Go sit down."
"Yes sir." Why am I so socially awkward? I hope I didn't get the wrong impression from that dude.

Jareth POV:
Are they mentally okay?

Cursed: Jareth x readerWhere stories live. Discover now