Riddle me this

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After a while of walking, you instantly regret not asking a worm for any sort of food or water. I lean up against a random wall and slump downwards so I can take a short break.
"This is hard, I wish I had some water, maybe a twinkie? Anything will suffice at this point." I didn't notice it at first, but there was a huge lion statue in front of a huge marble door. I go up towards it, keeping my distance just in case something weird happens. I look at a plague on the bottom of the statue.
"Answer my riddle, pass the door," I say out loud. I am very good at figuring things out, mysteries more than anything, however.
"Okay, I'll solve the riddle."
"Great!" an elderly creature said. His sudden response scared me and made my heart run laps.
"You scared me half to death!" I said to him.
"Oh dear, there I go again, scaring lovely people like you." The man seemed apologetic, but I really couldn't tell. His appearance was not that off-putting, he was a creature covered in fur with two long horns and gray streaks all along his arms. He had a wooden cane with carvings littered on it.
"It's alright, I'm not going to lie when I thought that the lion was supposed to be the person asking me the riddle." He shifted his eyes away from me, pausing a moment.
"No, it's just been me telling the riddles. Now, you wanted through the door, correct?"
"Right, I need to get through the door, hopefully, this leads me closer to the castle."
"The castle? Oh dear, it seems like you are going the wrong way! This door leads to the bog of eternal stench! Maybe, just maybe... No, that wouldn't be possible."
"What wouldn't be possible?"
"Well, I was just pondering, maybe I could show you the correct way to the castle. Only if you answer my riddle correctly of course."
"I don't know... isn't that cheating? I really don't want Jareth on my tail."
"He will never know, I'm good at keeping my mouth shut." I paused.
"Fine, what is your riddle?" He smiles.
"What is the word? Listen closely: the first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great, while the entire world signifies a great woman. What is the word?" I take a deep breath in and close my eyes. I go into the pit of my mind, a cascade of useless information and a dictionary of the words I know. It is my mind palace, I file my information in different boxes, never organized. I reached out to the boxes and searched for the word the man had described. A word is feminine, yet has two letters that signify a male. He, her, hero. I opened my eyes
"The word is heroine. I liked that riddle, it's very creative. I would have never thought of that word unless I hadn't played D&D." He hummed and came closer to me.
"Clever, very clever. I suppose that means you win," he said, a grin forming on his face. He came over to me, cane in his hand.
"I suppose we shouldn't waste any time. Lead the way... what's your name? I never caught it."
"Oh, I suppose you can call me Sir Abel Jethro Knighting. I come from a long line of knights from centuries past. At your service," he bowed.
"Abel, I like that name. It suits such a kind gentleman like yourself."
"Oh you flatter me Y/N," he stated, catching me off guard, however.
"How do you know my name? I never-" He quickly responded, stuttering a bit.
"Everyone- knows who you are in the labyrinth. We get told by Jareth who you are, and to make things more challenging."
"Great, just great. I like a challenge, but c'mon, I need a break sometimes. He should just come down here himself and do his own dirty work."
"Hehe, I think Jareth is taking care of some other business right now."
"Let's just go, I don't want to waste time talking about the king of glitter." Abel gives a hearty laugh before we start to walk in a different direction. I liked walking with Abel, he was a nice conversationalist and liked to listen to my stories and my rants. He didn't seem to be bothered about my excessive talking. I felt uncomfortable talking so much, I thought I should give him a chance to say something, but he preferred my long rants. Through the labyrinth, we made it to walls made from shrubbery, it resembles an actual maze that would be in a wealthy person's backyard. The wind howled and the sound of music grew louder as we headed toward its general direction.
"We are almost to a shortcut, this should lessen the time taken to the castle," Abel commented, but as the music became louder he covered his ears.
"Abel, are you alright?"
"I'm fine dear, I just have a headache that's all. Nothing really that serious."
"We should take a break, let's find a different way to the castle. I wonder if there is water nearby. If you have a headache you need to stay hydrated." He sheepishly turned away and sat on a nearby rock. He took my hand and looked into my eyes.
"I will be fine Y/N, thank you for caring about my well-being." I grinned and I grabbed his hand so we could both sit on the floor and not the uncomfortable rock. I rested my head on his shoulder and I steadied my breath.

Jareth POV:

I was astonished by this interaction. With only four hours in this game, I had befriended this stranger. I felt appreciated and cared for, I'm surprised that Y/N hasn't seen through my disguise. I need to keep up this ruse so I can take them to the next oubliette. It is for their own good, and for mine.

The lion statue POV:

The one time we have visitors, and Jareth decides he wants to take on the task of the riddle master! The audacity to watch him take my job. His riddle wasn't even that good.

The dungeon POV:

"I wonder when we are going to get some food," one of the kids said. Although Jareth was on the other side of the labyrinth, he had a sneaking suspicion that one of the high schoolers said something. But he ignored it so he could relax with Y/N. He enjoyed the sky that he so painted to look like a sunset, and felt his headache fade away.

A/N: do you guys want a playlist for this fanfic?

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