Thespian = Lesbian

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My thirst for victory remains to be unquenched. I could only remain emotionless and deprived of sleep. The only thing keeping me going was my friends and my family. Hopefully they were okay, I only assumed that they would seize control of the environment, and probably drive Jareth insane. The labyrinth felt more like a trap in my mind than something of a physical manifestation. My morals were all over the place, if I caved in and gave up I would never forgive myself. However, as time passed, doubts began to creep into my mind. The labyrinth seemed to have a life of its own, its corridors shifting and twisting in impossible ways, taunting me with endless dead ends and mind-bending illusions. It was as if Jareth was toying with my sanity, trying to break me down. As I delved deeper into the labyrinth, its oppressive atmosphere threatened to suffocate me. I needed a well deserved sensory break, away from reality. Feeling the weight of the labyrinth pressing down on my shoulders, I realized that I needed a respite from the unrelenting challenges that surrounded me. I sought a moment of solitude, a chance to gather my thoughts and regain my mental clarity. Perhaps in the stillness, I could find a way to outwit Jareth and unravel the labyrinth's mysteries. I retreated to a secluded corner of the labyrinth, far away from the twisting corridors and deceptive traps. There, I sat down, closing my eyes and focusing on my breathing, attempting to find a semblance of inner peace amidst the chaos.
With no watch on my arm, not anything on me I couldn't tell how much time I had left. My long adventure in the journey was not going to end with me giving up. Although I felt my body crashing from the lack of food. It was messing with my brain, everything was buzzing. I took refuge under a large tree I encountered. As I leaned against the trunk of the tree, I let the gentle rustle of the leaves and the soothing sounds of nature wash over me. In this momentary sanctuary, I allowed myself to detach from the labyrinth's grip, if only temporarily. My weary body craved nourishment, and my mind yearned for a respite from the constant strain. I closed my eyes, focusing on the rhythmic flow of my breath. Time may have been elusive within the labyrinth's ever-shifting confines, but my will to succeed burned brightly. Using the brief respite to gather my thoughts, I devised a new strategy. The labyrinth had become a psychological battle, and I needed to overcome its tricks and illusions with not only physical prowess but also mental agility. I would no longer allow Jareth's manipulation to cloud my judgment or weaken my resolve. Having a moment of silence, It was broken by a thump on my head.
"Ow! What happened to a moment of peace?" I looked on the ground to see a perfectly ripe peach. My mouth watered over it, and I looked up to see that the tree was bare. Odd, but then again, I was in a magical land. With caution, I picked up the peach, examining its vibrant color and succulent aroma. It seemed too tempting to resist, and hunger gnawed at my stomach, reminding me of the deprivation I had endured throughout my journey.
"Oh well, this has to be a sign of some sort." Giving in to my hunger, I took a bite of the peach, and instantly, a burst of sweetness exploded on my taste buds. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before—a symphony of flavors dancing across my palate, revitalizing my senses. Although as soon as I took a bite, my brain shut down. I felt I was going under the knife, my body hobbled and I tried standing but fell to the floor.
"God Damn it. Now I'm hallucinating dancing people... everything is spinning." I saw some sort of floating orbs coming towards me, foolishly, I touched them. Everything around me fades into darkness. Yet as I descended, it didn't feel cold, but warm and comforting. All of a sudden, I hear the faint whisper of 1980s synthesizers, guitars, and saxophones.
"Am I in jazz heaven? Or hell?" I say to myself. My eyes could only see the pitch black of darkness, my body drifted off in an endless space. As I grew more anxious, you could almost hear the faint whisper of someone saying "let there be light" as my eyes opened for the first time to light. It was my dream. Silk and gold decorations were all lined on the wall. The ballroom was an extravagant display of opulence and fantasy, designed to mesmerize and captivate the senses. I was acting like an obsessed fan at the moment. The ceiling stretched high above, adorned with intricate crystal chandeliers that bathed the room in a warm, shimmering glow. Each chandelier sparkled like stars in the night sky, casting a soft illumination that danced across the polished marble floors. The walls of the ballroom were adorned with lavish tapestries, depicting scenes of mythical creatures and enchanted landscapes. The colors were rich and vibrant, bringing the tapestries to life and infusing the space with an otherworldly ambiance (no, I will not stop describing this ballroom). The dancers themselves were a sight to behold. Men donned dapper suits and top hats, exuding an air of old-world charm, while women floated across the floor in flowing gowns, their movements as graceful as swans. Each step was precise and deliberate, perfectly synchronized with the music, as if they were extensions of the ethereal melodies that filled the space. Above all, the atmosphere in the ballroom was one of joy and celebration. Laughter echoed through the room, mingling with the music, as the dreamers in attendance revealed the freedom of expression and the embrace of their creative spirits. The air crackled with anticipation and the shared energy of individuals who had found solace within the realm of dreams. With all my observing, I had yet to notice what transformation I had gone through. My outfit that I had previously had on, turned into a beautiful silk gown. It was both radiant and masculine in a way. It did not poof out like any princess dress, but had a running through a large castle vibe. I wore strands of pearls and gold, and my hair had specks of gold glitter. What truly made it feel powerful was armor that rested on the left side of my arm, along with a beautiful corset. I felt like royalty. As I took in the sights and sounds of the ballroom, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and gratitude for being granted this glimpse into a world beyond the confines of the labyrinth. It was a moment of respite, a reminder of the beauty that could be found even in the midst of darkness. The comfort of the beautiful atmosphere subsided, as my anxiety led me to seek out an isolated corner of the room, away from the gazes of the partygoers. Every step I took it seemed like the people around me were judging my character, laughing at whatever idiocy reelected who I was. Closer into my destination, I felt a tug from the corner of my eyes. A figure emerged from the shadows, catching my attention. It was a familiar face. Mr. Bowie. No, no it was Jareth, my bad. My heart skipped a beat as I locked eyes with Jareth, the enigmatic and slightly narcissistic Goblin goober himself. I approached him slowly, like I was in a romantic fanfiction. If this was one I'd probably stare him down with my amazing romantic eye contact. I could feel the weight of his gaze upon me, penetrating deep into my soul, as if he could read the inner turmoil that resided within. A shiver ran down my spine, but I refused to let fear take hold of me. I had come too far to be intimidated by Jareth's tricks and illusions. I also had to avenge the loss of a fallen gay icon aka Abel Jotaro Knightwing. Summoning all the strength I could muster, I approached him, the clinking of my armor and the soft swish of my gown echoing in the space between us. With each step, I could feel the intensity of his gaze intensify, and I prepared myself for whatever confrontation awaited. As I stood before him, Jareth's smile widened, revealing a glimmer of amusement. "Well, well, well," he said, his voice dripping with a mixture of charm and arrogance. "What do we have here?"
"A neurodivergent mess of a person."
"Looks as if the labyrinth didn't change your sense of humor, or personality," he quipped.
"One thing did change, my leg muscles. I have been using them to get my butt to the castle, I have been walking for hours and my sugar is crashing rabidly."
"Poor thing, having to walk such a small distance." Okay that's it. I am going to morph into Arthur who was about to beat the crap out of D.W.
"It's not that I'm ungrateful for all the wonderful things I had to experience today. Yeah sure I did almost pass out from exhaustion, lost all my friends in one swoop because I was petty and cant handle my emotions, oh and sure I lost the one person I actually connected with on a emotional level who BETRAYED me, and I ate a poison drugged peach, it was such an easy task! You are right Jareth! I should be fine walking a small distance! Nothing I could have handled before!" This was the therapy I needed. As the words spilled out of my mouth, a mix of frustration and exhaustion, I realized that venting my emotions was a form of catharsis. The weight of my journey, the betrayals, and the challenges had taken a toll on my spirit. Standing there, facing Jareth, I no longer felt the need to suppress my feelings.
"Look Jareth, I'm sorry." He looks at me, confused for a second.
"For what?"
"Venting to you, I should have asked first. But let's be honest, that's not a part of your expertise."
"And what is?"
"Glitter." We both laugh, I sit on the floor, and Jareth flicks his hand, shooing the guests to go back to the dance floor.
"You shouldn't feel sorry for what you said. It all seemed to relieve you in some way or another. If I could be so honest with you, I would like to add that you possess a resilience I didn't anticipate," he admitted.
"What did you anticipate?" I asked softly.
"Another Sarah. Another person who took their life for granted, wasted away thinking that their problems were the only one that mattered most." I looked at Jareth, the Goober King, with a mixture of curiosity and understanding. His admission surprised me, revealing a vulnerability I hadn't expected from him.
"Want to talk about it? I'll be your unlicensed therapist, that will be seven thousand dollars, and three cents." Jareth laughs again, I smile.
"I like that laugh, it's very genuine. It's a sign of someone who actually has humility." He strikes a dramatic pose, "who told you that lie? I'm positively evil." I hold my sides and laugh at his theater kid act. I wonder if he was a theater kid? I decided to play along with his little act.
"Evil! Oh dear! I'm practically quivering in my dress!" I pretend like a faint and land on his lap.
"You're quite the thespian," he comments, looking at me laying my head on his lap.
"Want to hear a funny story?"
"I'm dying to hear something funny, the goblins can't come up with any original material."
"Okay, as a kid I used to mix up my vocabulary. Words that sounded similar confused me basically. I was with my parents at a theater downtown, they were putting on a play of Romeo and Juliet and my aunt played the lead role of Juliet. So as I looked through a little book of all the cast I spotted my aunt and read her small biography and stumbled on a new word. I asked my mother what it was. She responded by telling me it was the word thespian. I didn't pay much mind to what that word was, but I knew that it was something to describe my aunt. So, as the curtain rose I saw my aunt delivering her monologue. So my little kid's mind decided to shout something out."
"What was it?"
"That's my aunt! She's a lesbian!"
"Oh my God," Jareth laughs, small tears come from his eyes. His laughter is contagious, and soon we are both roaring with laughter, caught up in the absurdity of the moment.
"You shouted that in the middle of the play?" he manages to ask between fits of laughter. I nod, still chuckling. "Yes, right in the middle of the quietest part. The whole audience turned to look at me, and my poor aunt tried to keep a straight face, but I could see her struggling not to burst into laughter herself." Jareth wipes away a tear from his cheek, his laughter subsiding. 
"That's a delightful story. Thank you for sharing it with me." I sit up, grinning from ear to ear.
"Well, I figured since we're being honest and open, it's only fair to share a little embarrassment from my past." Jareth gazes at me, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and something deeper.
"You have a way of turning the most ordinary moments into something extraordinary. Your resilience shines through even in moments of vulnerability and humor."
"What can I say? I'm an expert." As the music and laughter from the ballroom continue to fill the air, Jareth and I sit in a moment of quiet understanding.
"Could I ask you something, it's not personal as it is just a question," I ask him quietly.
"Of course, what is it?"
"Did... you command Abel to betray me?" I could see the gears working inside his head, trying to craft any sentence that he could say.
"Yes, in a way I did," he looked away. I got up from his lap and looked at him, not in anger though.
"In a way? Did you or did you not. I'm not going to be mad, just upset." He holds my shoulders and looks at me, closing his eyes and bows his head. I look at his body, slowly eroding and transforming his flesh to fur. He seethed in pain as his bones cracked and changed into a whole new creature with horns. He slumps forward, regaining his strength and looking at me once again.
"It all makes sense. Are you alright Jareth?"
"Transforming takes a toll on my magic, I'll be fine."
"Hey, take it easy." I felt an uncomfortable silence fill the room, the guests who were once dancing and gossiping had all turned to statues.
"Thank you for showing me the truth. Please don't do that again, if you're going to attempt to fool me, at least be yourself." I pat his back and lean on his shoulder.
"If I were to be myself it would be different, I am comfortable as myself. Yet I find that a certain percentage of people don't like mythical creatures."
"I like mythical creatures."
"Are you asking to see what I actually look like?" He chuckles. I nod my head.
"I'd be happy to oblige, it's one of my less painful transformations," he stood up and started to change. His body glowed slightly, more glittery than anything. His body morphed in a taller figure, similar to his human form, but with minor changes. His ears grew more to a point, like elf ears. His teeth grew sharper and his eyes remained the same. His skin was softer and had small specks of glitter. Two sharp and precise wings grew from his back, both a deep black in color, which was also glittery. As I watched Jareth undergo his transformation, my eyes widened in awe and wonder. The shimmering glitter that surrounded him added an ethereal quality to his already captivating appearance. His newly formed wings spread gracefully, their intricate patterns mesmerizing to behold.
"Oh my God, Twinkerbell," I said quietly.
"What did you say Y/N?" Jareth commented
"I just said that... you're magnificent," a small blush formed on my face. I reached out and gently touched one of his glittering wings, feeling the delicate yet strong structure beneath my fingertips. Jareth shuttered and his wings opened a bit. I pet his wings, the texture was like velvet. As time ticks down, time... I feel like I should be somewhere.
"Jareth, why am I here?"
"To celebrate your arrival."
"To where?"
"My kingdom."
"No, no. That's not right. I'm supposed to be... I... I don't know where I am."
"Don't do this Y/N. Stay here with me, we were getting along so well."
"My friends, I'm supposed to be saving them!"
"You can have them back, only if you promise me something." In a moment of desperation I look into his eyes.
"What is it? What can I do to save them?"
"Stay here with me, stay in the castle, beyond the Goblin City. I would like you to be in a mutual partnership, with me Y/N."
"Forever? I couldn't stay here forever. I have to see my family, my friends, hell even my ex."
"I'm not asking you to stay forever. I have... negotiated the terms with some individuals."
"It was Hayley, wasn't it?"
"Stay focused, or as focused as you can be. If you were to stay here, I would allow you to visit your life above the surface, but you must reside here. I would release all that I have captured, and erase their memories of this encounter. I would not like to take away your personal life. I would never ask that of you, even if I had made that mistake before. You can use your remaining time to think about this proposition, or you would have to complete the labyrinth in the small span you have left." I look at the ballroom for some sort of distraction to ease my mind. I do like Jareth, yet, do I want to spend my life with him? The times we had spent together had lasted not too long. Yet, I did seem to like him. I enjoyed his company, the conversations, even the physical touch. Did this indicate that I have a deeper connection to him? Something more romantic? Time was running out, I had to decide, now.
"Okay Jareth, I have decided to... agree to your conditions. Although I would like to add to the contract."
"What would that be?
"I would like to start out as friends, calling you my partner seems too soon. I would like to grow more of a relationship with you." Those words echoed, both in the ears of Y/N and Jareth.

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