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The weight of my eyelids grew heavier as the time grew late, yet I couldn't sleep. The pitter-patter of rain could be heard outside, I could feel a thunderstorm coming on. I took off my blankets and made my way to the window. I pressed my hand against the cold glass and looked outside. I saw the owl from earlier, perched on a branch and looking at me with its dark eyes. I felt guilty at that moment, I didn't want the bird to sit through a thunderstorm, so I opened up the window.
"Hey again, wanna come in?" I asked them. The bird flapped its wings and came into my room, it perched on the frame of my bed.
"Are you tired?"
"Me too." I laid on my bed, looking at the majestic owl in front of me, it seems so... sentient. I had an idea pop in my head, I went to the present pile I had on the floor and dug through until I had found what I needed. The tarot cards I got earlier seemed like a good way to pass the time, I needed the practice.
"Alright, I'm going to tell you about your past, present and future with my amazing skills." The bird turned its head. I shuffled the cards and laid them all sprawled out on the bed.
"Okay, pick three cards, or just- hoot when I put my hand over a card." I waved my hand slowly over the pile until the owl hooted, this went on for two more turns. I set aside the ones that the owl picked out.
"Okay let's see, your past is the King of Wands reversed. Next, Page of Wands reversed, then lastly... The Lovers. How interesting." The owl moved closer and looked at the cards.
"From what I can say, this might indicate that in your past, there was someone in your life who was suffering from insecurities, maybe a partner was displaying unfaithfulness? The present might represent the lack of something, whether it be ideas or just feeling unmotivated to do anything creative. Lastly, The Lovers. There will be some sort of union, maybe a partnership that could occur in the near future." It was hard to decipher what the cards meant, especially to a bird of all things. I mean, birds can have emotions? The owl pecked at The Lovers card, it was a bit weird. I took the cards and put them back in their pack, putting them on my dresser. The owl was still on my bed, I looked at it and felt a sudden urge to pet its feathers. I put out my head and slowly approached them. I put my hand on its head and it liked it? Well only for a few seconds before it snapped out of its trance and squawked.
"My bad, I should have asked your permission."
"I'm glad we came to an understanding." I felt my body ache and looked at my alarm clock, 12:31. I was screwed if I didn't try to get some sleep. I put back my covers, not minding that there was an owl by me.
"You can stay if you want, I think I forgot to close the window so you can fly out any time." I closed my eyes and tried to recount the plot of my favorite movie (insert movie here). I felt the weight of my bed shift, I didn't know owls were that heavy. I couldn't move, I was too tired. Soon I fell asleep.

Jareths POV:
My body metamorphosed slowly, my face and body transformed into flesh and a normal humanoid skeletal system. I touched my face and went to the mirror to see if I resconstructed my face correctly. I touched my long hair and took a quick look outside to see the time. I hated to stay out later than I already did, I didn't trust the goblins to run the kingdom, even for an hour. I took one of my magic crystals and looked into them, seeing that all the goblins were sleeping around the throne room. I sighed then looked at the sleeping person, why of all people did the book choose this annoying person? Of course, I'd get annoyed over any spoiled person, it gets repetitive after a while. I have observed and mapped out the family life of this person, nothing seems off and no one has a rocky relationship with each other. They are completely normal, in some aspects. I observed the book beside them, it mocked me. It has been a while since MY magical item has complied with its master, it's been years since it chose a victim. I felt my kingdom was not as great, I needed something more. I suppose that something is new subjects. I heard the thundering outside and closed the window. I looked over at the presents I left for the new book owner, a small token I suppose, but you shouldn't take gifts from the fae folk. I wouldn't hesitate any longer, I needed to get back to my kingdom and focus on preparing the labyrinth for a new challenger.

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