1 : Despair of the Savior

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The following contains dark themes. Self loathing and suicide are present in multiple chapters. This story gets lighter as it progress, but be advised that the beginning is rather dark.

Current chapter has depictions of dark thoughts, self-harm, implied violence as well as implied suicide. Please be warned.


Kim Lee Hyu is tired, yet he was also very happy. No, he wasn't just happy, he was joyous, hope filling his soul in a way it very rarely did in his long, long life.

"Lee Hyu-nim! We did it! We actually did it!" his dearest friend and trusted companion yelled in joy, tears of relief in his hazel brown eyes. No one would have believed that the soft-looking young man was the bloodthirsty berserker of their group. That this strange group of individuals had saved the world. Kim Lee Hyu felt multiple arms reach out to him, warmth surrounding him on all sides as he was hugged by his friends and family.

"Hell yeah!" "That's our team leader for you!" they cheered in happiness as the man in question could only smile.

"We did it" the dark-haired male whispered, tears building up in his soft green eyes.

"We're free," he said as a bubbling laugh escaped his lips.

"Dongsaeng!" "Brat!" he could hear his hyungs cry out in relief running over to them and joining the crushing hug.

Tears of joy escaped the scared man's face as he was held in his loved ones' arms.

His friends laughed, happy tears streaming through their faces and Kim Lee Hyu was sure he was the same. After 100 long years of war, humanity, the entire alliance of the different systems, finally they had won.

Long ago, creatures from the abyss appeared and plagued the world in chaos. It didn't matter what planet it was, what solar system or universe they hid in, those monsters were everywhere. It was a dark world, when suddenly people had awakened, gaining abilities to fight against the abyssal creatures.

When Kim Lee Hyu had been reborn here, he hadn't cared. He thought all he had to do was be a hunter and join the fight against the Abyss. After all, his punishment was just to be good, not to save the world.

Never would he ever have expected to help people, to be genuinely happy to save others. To feel sorrow for the lives that were lost. Alexander Oriel had never expected to love.

Yet here he was, happier than he had ever been.

Alex was once a prince, yet he felt no love.

Kim Lee Hyu was born poor, yet he's never been so loved.

Alex was raised in comfort yet he never learned to trust.

Kim Lee Hyu was raised in violence, yet he's never gained so many trustworthy allies and friends.

The black-haired man doesn't regret being reborn, doesn't grieve for his past life. He was a prince of nothing, but now he is happy.

He found his purpose.

Looking down at his army, he could see people of different sizes, different races, happily rejoicing in unity as the ultimate enemy, was slain by their savior, the one who ended it all, Kim Lee Hyu.

Kim Lee Hyu is sure he's made up for his past crimes, and would be finally granted peace. That he could rest. Surrounded by his loved ones, by the people he trusted and who trusted him back, the 38-year-old man could only smile at his blessings.

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