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I sat across my parents as my mother scolded me, for like the thousandth time, bored

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I sat across my parents as my mother scolded me, for like the thousandth time, bored. I didn't even do anything wrong this time, that's the thing.

"Time and time again I tell you not to do something, you go and do it anyways. What is it going to take for you to learn?!" My mother glared at me while my father said nothing. Most likely scared he would catch his wife's wrath as well.

"I didn't even do anything." I shrugged. And it's true, I didn't. If anything, she needs to be mad at them for attacking me first but no, she's yelling at me like I'm not the victim here.

"Giselle, once again, you found yourself in a situation, where you were alone with no assistance."

"Mother, once again, I'm here and alive, without a scratch." I respond to her.

"You call yourself trying to be funny?!" She asked getting more irritated than she once was. If that's even possible.

"No, I'm just responding to your statement. Mom, I'm fine. If anything, you need to be mad at them for attacking me! I was very peaceful."

"Wouldn't have to worry about being attacked if you were on the right lands!" She raised her voice.

"News flash, we own nearly all of it! If anything, they were invading our space." I was sick of the back and forth all the time with my mother because someone else wants to take my head off for a piece of land or power. She's having all this energy with the wrong person.

"Tina, she's right." My mother turned head so fast towards him. I think I saw fear in his eyes.

"Before you say anything, she's correct. They came on our turfs and assaulted our daughter. Thankfully my daughter is trained perfectly enough to handle her own." He commented and I smiled. My dad is the only one who knows what I'm capable of. My mother, being a typical mother, doesn't want to hear all of that. Of course she just wants her child to be safe at all times.

"I don't care Matthew! I don't want her in the middle of every battle. Speaking of battles, you need to get the troops together and think of a plan, quick. I'm tired of this. This has been going on for how long?" While they went back and forth on what I can and cannot do, like I'm not grown or whatever, I slipped out the door carefully.

I just walked around the palace making sure everything was intact and everyone was doing their respective jobs. It gets very boring around here but when you have my status, you can't be as free as you want to and that's okay I guess.

I walked into the infirmary to see Onika wrapping Robyn up, they were also whispering.

"Hey friends." I beamed.

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