02. Can't be Mine

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- Miles Cohen - 

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- Miles Cohen - 

"So, do you think coach will be easy on us after our win on Saturday?" just as I was about to respond to my best mate, Carson, my name was being called over the loud speakers. "You have to be joking me?" 

"Let coach know where I am" I turned to walk back down the hallway, just as I heard Carson say "Coach will know where you are. The whole college will know where you are" 

And with that, I dragged my stuff towards the administration. This better not be some fan who watches our college team, wanting me to sign another one of their jerseys. "Miss Johnson, you called me?" I questioned, peeking my head through the window of administration. 

She had originally had her back turned to me, talking to something, before she turned around to look at me. "Ah yes, there is a little girl here for you-" she didn't get to finish her words before I had zoned out. 

I didn't have a sister, so there was no way that that could be who was here. I also didn't have a daughter so, why in hell would a little girl be here for me? Miss Johnson handed me a slip of paper with a name and number on it, but neither rang a bell.

"Umm, I don't have a sister or a daughter-" I began, but then a little girl popped out the side door of the administration. "She's for you, so you have to take her" Miss Johnson really didn't like me, and I can see she doesn't like this little girl because she is here for me. 

Poor girl. She looks like a mess and her eyes are red and puffy. My oh my, she does have similar features to me. From what I could see before she put her stuffy in front of her face, she had the same cobalt blue eyes as I did. 

"Ok" I didn't mean to huff, but this was just another thing that I had to add onto my already busy plate. I was a college student that played ice hockey and now I was going to have to look after a little girl who looked barely above the age of 2. 

She was so small I was afraid that I might crush her. "What's her name?" I looked back at Miss Johnson, but she just shrugged her shoulders and looked down at the little girl. I quietly sighed to myself. What had I gotten myself into? 

"Well I guess I'll take her to practice with me then" before I could take another step back and motion for her to come with me, Miss Johnson rushed out of the door, and handed me yet another bag. 

If a backpack, duffel bag and two ice hockey sticker weren't enough, then another bag could make literally no difference. I noticed how tatted her two bags looked, but said nothing about it. "Come on" I motioned for her to follow, and I heard a light patter behind me. 

I had to stop so she could catch up, but then we were off again. Coach was going to whip my asse for this. 

I didn't hear anything behind me, so I stopped and turned around. We had made it back into the hallway from before, but clearly it was extremely busy and this little girl was not used to it as she had stopped walking behind me. 

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