20. The Person I Don't Want To Be

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| Third Person POV |

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| Third Person POV |

Growing up, Miles Cohen had never had the father that he had seen every other boy on the ice hockey team have. He had watched countless of times when mothers and fathers had rushed to their son's aid when they had been injured, and had always had to wait it out for one of his parents to come and see him in the medical room. 

They never came. He had always been told by his sister that they argued over who would go down, before they both settled that neither of them would. He knew that they didn't want to. It was already hard enough to get them to come to games that he knew it was no point if even one of them came to see him. 

Miles knew that he was the child that his parents didn't want. Yes, his mother loved him and looked out for him, but his father played the typical mind games on his mother. Whispering in her ear, telling her just how bad Miles was. Miles was always the stranger to the family. His father had never liked him for some reason. 

Maybe it was the fact that Miles preferred skating on ice than running around on a grass field like his older brother did. His father had been a football legend at the high school he went to, and so was his older brother, but Miles wasn't quiet as keen on football. Football wasn't his thing, and because it wasn't, his father didn't know how to accept Miles. 

The support for him was there, just not the care and concern. His parents had never been concerned about him. The only thing they believed in was training them until their bodies gave out. His father drove their bodies into the ground, hoping that they would burn out at some point in time. 

His older brother was almost untouchable to that punishment though, as it was only Miles and his older sister that were burnt out before they had turned the age of 13.  His father always told him that if he wanted to pursue his 'stupid ice sport' then he had to be the best or go home. But his father lost his thought process towards him when his older brother graduated school, as he turned to drinking. 

Miles was five years younger than his older brother, so when his brother graduated high school, he was only just starting, while his older sister was half way through. This allowed for his father to hit and throw anything he could at Miles, because there was no one there to tell him not to. His prized possessions was gone, so he was gone too. 

If you weren't Mason Cohen, you were good for nothing. Occasionally, Madeleine Cohen made the cut, but even then, she only got small glimpses. Miles on the other hand, was completely cut out of the whole family thing. His father had only wanted a son, and got a daughter as well, so she was bearable. But Miles, was not included in what his father wanted. 

So, to get away from the alcoholic father and blinded mother, he focused his whole entire life into hockey. Nothing mattered unless it was hockey, and those people became his family. They were the ones that looked out for him and drove him places. They were more permanent than the family that went on holidays without him. 

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