11. Left Alone to Hide

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 - Ellery Cohen - 

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 - Ellery Cohen - 

I watched as Miles buttoned up his shirt, swinging my legs back and forth on the bed that Miles had put in his room. I hadn't really spent much time in here in the past couple of days, as I had been elsewhere, always falling asleep on the couch or in Miles' arms. 

Miles had said that he was going to a party with the rest of his friends, and that I would be staying with the nice lady, who I think her name was Clarence, at her friends dorm, while she went out with Miles and the rest of them. 

I wasn't sure what this whole party thing was or why I wasn't invited, but I didn't mind. I was a little nervous, not having Miles there with me, but I would be alright; I always had been. I had always had to be okay with whatever was going on around me. 

I'll admit, I hadn't really spoken to anyone, especially the boys, after what had happened at practice the other morning, and what was happening tonight was most definitely cementing all of that. I had just gotten Miles back and now he was going out again, leaving me all on my own. 

It definitely made me upset, leaving me on the brink of tears, but I kept them at bay. There was no need to cry, because after everything, I was strong enough to hold it all back. I must have sniffled or let a tear run loose, because Miles came running towards me. 

I initially, flinched back, surprised at the speed, before I was engulfed into some ones arms, that I knew as Miles. A knock sounded on the door, but neither one of us made a move, rather soaking it all up. "I think someone is waiting for you outside" Miles murmured, as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. 

He wiped beneath my eyes, before letting me get off my bed and run towards the door. I heard Miles laugh, as I tried to reach up to get the door handle, but couldn't quiet get it. I looked at him standing there, as I heard another knock, before I looked back at the door. 

He came over, much slower than I would have liked, as he opened the door, revealing Nolan and Luca. I didn't rush over to their open arms, rather staring at them with a blank face, before looking up to Miles. He ushered me forward, as I slowly took a step into Nolan's arms.

He wrapped me up, picking me up. "I am so sorry sweetheart" he pressed a kiss to the side of my forehead, as I giggled. I felt some fingers running up my sides, and before I knew it, I was taken from Nolan and into someone else's arms, but not turned around. 

I was back giggling in the arms of the people that I had grown to love. There was no way that I could hold a grudge against them or be mad at them for something that they had no control over; it wasn't there fault that I was dumped on them, causing their Coach to make them distance themselves. 

If they had the power to choose whether I could be with them, I hoped they chose to keep me with them, especially Miles. "Hey cutie" I noticed Rutger in front of me, which made me reach out and try to grab him. I heard a laugh, making me realize that Mark was the one holding me.

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