17. I Missed You

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| Ellery Cohen | 

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| Ellery Cohen | 

The final buzzer had gone off, as I stood on my seat, while Clarence held me close to her, as everyone around us was jumping up and down with joy. I looked at Clarence, the biggest smile plastered on my face. I can't believe that I was here, watching Miles win another one of his games. 

As everyone started to file out, I sat back down next to Clarence, as I moved closet to whisper in her ear. "Can we go see Miles?" I felt a little shy about asking, like I was betraying her, and almost being rude to her that I wasn't spending every second with her. "Yes of course. We will just wait for everyone to clear out and then we can head down to the locker rooms" 

That sounded even better. I could finally see all of the boys, and I hope that they had been dying to see me, as I had been waiting so long to see them. I started swinging my legs back and forth, as I couldn't contain how happy I was. There was just this buzzing feeling throughout me, that I couldn't get over that I was here. 

I was finally back with Miles, and I was just hoping that he would be as happy as I was to see him. I really needed to see him and the boys. Clarence then reached over, picking me up and sitting me on her hip before she stood up, as I noticed that there was not nearly as many people in the seats around us. 

A soft song was playing in the background, as I could still hear people shouting here and there, still happy about the win, as was I. I hummed along to the song, as Clarence giggled at me, saying some of the lyrics, as the two of us walked down the hallways in a semi-silence. 

As the sounds of the songs slowly faded away, a louder noise gotten even louder as we got closer to where I remembered to be the locker rooms. I felt the feeling of shyness grow, but I was just happy, knowing that Miles was on the other side of the door, with the rest of the boys. The people that I had been waiting so long to be seeing were just behind that door. 

Giggling quietly, Clarence walked to the door, knocking on it once. None of the noise behind the door died down, so she had to knock again, but louder. Once again, no one must have heard us, but maybe some did, as the noise quietened down for a second. For a final time, Clarence banged on the door, as the noise finally stopped. 

"Is everyone decent?" Clarence could, and a muffled response was heard, as she opened the door. I had buried my head in Clarence's shoulder, expecting something to happen, but all I received was silence. Nothing happened, no arms were wrapped around me, and I was most of all, not given a hug. 

Sitting up, I looked around the locker room, seeing everyone in different states of dressed and undressed. My eyes were drawn to someone in particular, as he looked very shocked that I was even here. I smiled, before wiggling down out of Clarence's hold, and running across the room, as he picked me up. 

Pulled into his body tight, I could feel the tears running down not only my cheeks, but his cheeks. I was so glad to be back in his arms, after so long. I really needed this hug after so long. "I missed you" I mumbled into his ear, and for once, I wasn't stuttering over my words, like I had been recently with Greg and that lady that I had already forgotten the name of by now. 

She had forgotten my name so it only felt right to forget hers like she did to me. As mean as that sounded, it felt good to be away from her and in this room, with the people that I had missed for so long. I had been waiting for this moment for way too long, that now, it didn't feel like I was here, in this moment with the person I loved so much. 

"I missed you so much!" he mumbled, as I giggled, feeling the same old gruffy feeling against my neck, but this time, it wasn't spiky like he had just shaved. I pulled my head, looking up to see that he had grown out his beard, and for once, I couldn't see his chin. 

Running my hand along it, it felt weird. I giggled, while he looked down at me with a big smile on his face. It felt good, knowing that I was the one that was putting the smile on his face. I liked being able to feel like the world had stopped moving around me, and I was just sitting in Mile's arms, being able to laugh and talk about everything and nothing at the same time. 

As he was looking down, he gave me a kiss on the cheek, before he gave me another kiss on my other cheek, before the last one was placed on my forehead. We stared at each other for a few moments in silence, neither one of us daring to move. 

"Oh come here" he pulled me into another hug, which only lasted a short amount of time, before I was sadly taken away from him. Just as I was about to scream for Miles, a familiar scent met my nose, and I hugged the person back as tightly as I possibly could. Words were beyond me, at how happy I was to be back here, with the people I had wanted to see for so long. 

"Ethan, let her go and give her to me" and with that, for what felt like hours, I was passed from person to person, getting lost with who I was with. I was just so happy being with all of them again, and it felt like I had never left. I couldn't wait for Luca's pasta again or being able to watch a movie with Nolan. 

Finally, when I was put back on my feet, the boys started to gather their things together, while I walked back over to Miles, who was back over near the door, where I had started. He had sat down in his stall, just looking at me, while I made my way over. When I reached him, I placed my hands on his knees, as he rested his head on the palm of his hand.

"Hi" I giggled, looking up at him. "Hey" he laughed at me, before picking me up and sitting me on his hip, for another hug. I could get used to this again. Before I knew it, he started rubbing circles up and down my back, and I was already nodding off. I couldn't help it, as much as I tried to ignore it, but my eyes drooped faster and faster. 


I awoke, a dead weight covering my smaller body, as I tried to move away. It was unusual to be waking up with such a heavy weight, as I was usually in a smaller bed, all on my own. Normally I would wake up before the sun had risen, but I knew the sun had risen now, and it was much brighter in this room that what I had been used too. 

Rolling over, I felt the weight come with me, as I opened my eyes, rubbing them with the backs of my hands. Getting a clearer view of where I was, I noticed that it was the place I had missed for a few weeks now. I could hear something playing softly in the distance, as I sat up. 

Looking down, I noticed that I had a sleep with Miles, which was half the reason why I had had such a good sleep. I smiled at this, before I realized how bored I really was. Pushing out of Miles grip, which was surprisingly loose, I jumped down to the ground, teddy still in hand, as I was then walking out of the room. 

I thank Miles in my head for leaving the door open a little for me, as I push it open, to see that some of the boys were sitting around the living room, with something playing on the TV. I had really missed all of this. I had none of this with Greg and that lady, even mommy. It felt weird having to change back to this, when I knew that all of this was normal. 

I knew that this was where I had been and should have been, not with Greg and the lady. Suddenly, I was scooped up from behind, as I was then in a fit of giggles, causing everyone in front to turn around and face me. I had really missed this. "I missed you" a voice mumbled. 

I missed this. 


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