23. Uncle?

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| Ellery Cohen |

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| Ellery Cohen |

"When do I get to meet her?" an unfamiliar voice spoke from the other side of the dorm, as I had just awoken from going shopping with the boys, and I had fallen asleep right after we had had lunch. I literally had fallen asleep in the arms of Ethan, which I guessed that he put me in the car seat, before I was now being taken up to the dorm with Luca. 

As I watched Mark open the door, I reached around and grabbed onto a longer piece of Luca's hair, before I ducked my head under his hat and into his jacket. A chuckle erupted from him, but when he didn't move forward when I heard the door unlock, before it opened, I got worried. I knew that Miles would be in there, as someone was speaking in there, and Mark had been with us. 

I looked up, noticing that both Carter and now Mark was missing, while Ethan looked unsettled, and Nolan had a hand on his forehead. I didn't like any of this. None of this felt good in my stomach. Sitting up further, I reached over with my other hand, and tapped Ethan. He looked at me, confused as I just tried to get him to understand that I wanted to be in his arms now. 

He nodded, and Luca could see what was happening so he passed me over to Ethan, and I immediately sat on his front and hugged him the best I could. I hoped that it would make him feel better, cause I know when people hug me, I feel better. So, hopefully he feels better now that I gave him a big hug. 

He patted me gently on the back, before I felt him start to walk in as the door had sounded like it was opening. I had my head facing the people behind me, so when we stopped, the door had just shut behind us, making the room deathly quiet. I didn't like this one bit. The dorm with all the boys in it was never this quiet. They were never quiet. 

Slowly sitting up, I looked around the room, seeing everyone just standing there, while Miles was standing beside a man that I didn't know. I remember what he told me from the team dinner on my second night here, about how that the men he knew would never hurt me, so I trusted that. Wiggling around, I tried to tell Ethan that I wanted down. 

Ethan didn't seem to agree, so I gently tapped him on the cheek, which he looked at me before I whispered, "down please". Miles had always told me to use my manners like please and thank you. Ethan only nodded, before putting me on the ground, so I made my way through the boys and towards Miles, who had crouched down for me. 

I ran into his arms, giggling a little when he threw me up into the air. I had missed him a lot today. Sundays were usually our day, but I could sacrifice one day without having Miles all day to myself. He lifted me up onto his hip, where I got a good view of the unknown man. I quickly made sure to tuck myself into Miles, before hiding my head in his neck. 

"Miles" I whispered, hoping that he would be able to hear how quietly I was speaking. I didn't want the man beside us to hear what I was about to say. Miles only hummed in response, allowing me to say what I needed to say. "Who is that man?" I was so scared of him, that I had to make sure that I kept an eye on the other man. 

"He's your uncle" that shocked me. I didn't know what an uncle was or what it meant to me, but it still didn't make anything better. It didn't change how scared I was, probably making it only worse. I didn't understand what was going on or what was happening. "Can I hold her?" the man questioned, and I immediately shook my head at Miles.

Miles looked at me while I looked up at him. Sometimes, it felt like we were understanding the other while just looking at each other. I could see how tired Miles was, and I hoped he could see just how scared I was of that man that was standing to the side. "How about a little later. I don't think she's ready yet" 

And with that, Miles took me into the kitchen, while some of the boys started to disperse around the room. I was placed down on the kitchen bench, allowing me to swing my legs back and forth of the edge as Miles moved around, making something. He always made sure, that every Sunday, we had something easy and that we could make it together. 

Tonight, it was Mac&Cheese. I always got to mix some of the cheeses together. "So, how long has this been going on for?" the man, who was supposedly my uncle, asked Miles. He had his back turned as he had just put in the pasta, before turning around to glare at the man, then he looked in my direction. 

"Ells, can you go and find one of the boys and sit with them till I come and get you for dinner. I have to talk to your Uncle Mason for a minuet" I just nodded, as he pulled me in for a hug, before he then placed me down on the ground. At first, I didn't want to leave Miles alone with Uncle Mason, when the two of them looked quiet angry, but I still walked away. 

I had seen most of the boys go into Mark's room, so I knocked on the closed door, and it was immediately opened and I was pulled into the room. Before I knew it, I was whisked into someone's arms, and spun around, while I giggled at the person. Before I knew it, I was swung between a few people, where I couldn't hear what was going on outside. 

For a split second, the room was quiet as I was on the ground on my own, as everyone seemed to still, before someone sprung into action and the room was filled with chaos once again. But what I didn't get, was the yelling that I could hear from the other side of the door, where Miles and Uncle Mason where. 

I didn't get it at all and that made me scared, not for me, but for Miles and the boys. 


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