03. Bath and Food

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 - Ellery Cohen - 

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 - Ellery Cohen - 

"Can I have a bath?"

I really wanted to have a bath and to get out of these days old pieces off. They were getting really bad" Yeah, of course. I'll have a shower then run you a bath while I make you some dinner" that suited me but something was wrong. 

Mister, or now I know him as Miles, wasn't eating. I am normally the one that doesn't eat, so he should eat my food. I wasn't going to be around for much longer, so he deserves to eat even though I am starving. 

"Miles" I said, grabbing his attention before he could leave the room. "Yeah Ells" another new nickname. "You can have my dinner. 'm not hungry" it was lie. I was absolutely starving. 

There was no way that he could possibly give me a bath and food. "Ells, we are both having something to eat. You must be starving because I am" he then walked out of the room and to where I presumed the bathroom was. 

I slipped down off the bed and walked to where he had put my bags down. He always dumped his stuff and placed mine on top, cause it was much, much, much smaller than his. Hopefully he doesn't break his shoulders carrying all my stuff. 

"Miles, you here?" a voice that I vaguely remember from in that room where I had fallen asleep in Miles arms. "I'm in the shower" he called out, but his voice sounded small. Maybe he's in trouble. 

"Oh hey" I walked out of the room and towards the unknown man. "H-hi" I stuttered. I need to stop stuttering. That's what mommy says, and whatever she says and does is right even if it hurts me. 

"You must be little Ellery" I nodded my head, feeling empty without having my teddy bear in my arms. I had left him on the bed to take his own nap. "I'm Mark" I waved, feeling shy. 

"Mark, can you cook something for Ell" Mark seemed a little shocked by this, but still responded with a "sure" as he dumped his bags in what seemed like another room. He walked back in the kitchen, but stopping. 

He turned back around and picked me up. I was surprised by this movement, so I stayed ridged as his hands were under my armpits. He didn't pull me closer, just held me out as he walked to a really high chair. 

He sat me down, as I became like a rag doll. "Ok, what do you like to eat?" I didn't know. Anything to stop feeling hungry. So, I just shrugged my shoulders in response.  

"Bath time" Miles walked out of the bathroom with just a pair of grey sweatpants on, as he walked towards me. "What are you cooking?" he questioned Mark, as he reached to pick me up. I cuddled up to Miles, as I was more familiar and comfortable with him than I was with Mark. 

Mark kinda scared me. "I don't know" was his response. I thought the older people were supposed to know what to do with little people like me. "Make some lasagna or something" at that, I was taken off to the bathroom. 

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