18. Breath of Relief

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| Ellery Cohen |

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| Ellery Cohen |

Scrunching my nose, I pushed the plate away from me, making Luca laugh at me, while I sat on Ethan's lap, swinging my legs back and forth in between his. He laughed at me as well, before another bowl was put in front of me. I was starting to get full from all of this food that Luca wanted me to try. 

I had never been so happy to have food that was this good. Nothing compared to Luca's food that he made. Luca was happy, which made me happier. Seeing him smile as he waltzed around the kitchen with his favorite music, as he had told me, made me happy to see. I hadn't seen this in so long and it felt good. 

The smile would never be leaving my face even if it had to. 

"What's going on in here?" a voice stopped Luca in his movements to look at the person, before he continued to do what he was doing. I looked over to the person, smiling at them, before tapping Ethan to let me down. The person continued to stand there as Ethan lowered me, allowing me to run over and crash into the person's legs. 

He swung me up, as I giggled, while he blew raspberries on my stomach. This caused me to giggle even more, as he brought me down. One thing that I was happy about the most with being back with the boys, was that Mark had warmed up to me and I had warmed up to him. I had been scared of him, as he was one of the tallest on the team, and he never really wanted to be around me, which had saddened me. 

But Miles had told met that he was just scared of hurting me. And it all made sense. He was scared because I was so little and he had seen how badly I had been hurt, and he didn't want to do the same. I felt bad, because I had made him stay away. But it wasn't something that I could control, and we both know that. Its good now, cause we live together and I can sleep in his bed if Miles is being a blanket hog like he always was. 

"Markie!" I yelled, as he kissed my forehead, before bringing me down to rest on his hip. Miles had gotten me back into his routine that he had set in place, which was usually sitting with the boys, while he was in classes. This would rotate every day or so as they all didn't take the same classes or something, while I would have lunch with them, as the shifts changed or something. 

None of it really made any sense to me, but I knew that I didn't need to be worried about it all anymore because Miles was taking care of it. He was taking care of me with the boys. I had nothing to worry about, only about the boys when they were apparently wrestling with each other. I didn't get it but they were just being boys was what Miles always told me. 

Usually, around this time, Luca made me have some lunch, which today he was testing new things out as it was my second day back and he was saying that he had trialed some things while I was away. I hated when they referred to me being away like I was on holiday, which I wasn't. I still hadn't told Miles what had happened, but it would have to wait for my nap which I knew was coming soon. 

I saw someone come in from the door, and I had to be let down to see the person. It had become my thing, to greet everyone. No matter who it was, they had to be greeted with at least a smile and a wave. The boys all got a hug and kiss, but that was because they were my boys. They always gave me a hug and kiss, so I gave them a hug and kiss in return. No matter what, they got a hug and kiss. 

So, as I saw these new people coming in, I demanded Mark to put me down, which he did, as I walked over to the boys, seeing Mackie, Dylan and Luke. Apparently, as I had been told by Miles, that Ethan, Mackie, Dylan and Luke were like some core 4 with Mark and Miles tagging along sometimes. It depended, to him, apparently, when he went with them instead of me. I didn't care, as I went wherever he went now, or with one of the boys. 

First, I hugged Mackie, who was first to walk in, only allowing him to let me hug his legs, before I could move onto Dylan, who I hadn't had much to do with before I left, but now he had become a bigger part of my life, before I was moving to Luke, who I let pick me up. I hugged him tightly around the neck, before I was looking back towards the rest of them, a big smile on my face. 

Mark walked up to me, tickling my sides, as I had to beg Luke to put me down on the ground, so that I could run away. I didn't make it far, as when I had run towards the front door, another person had shown up, picking me up as I hadn't notified them, while I was running away from Mark. 

A raspberry was blown on my stomach, as I giggled even more, looking up to the person to see Miles, as I moved to latch my arms around his neck, burying my head in neck. His familiar scent filled my nose, as I sighed in content. My eyes were starting to get heavier, as Miles started rubbing circles on my back, slowing down my breathing which had increased when I had run away from Mark. 

"Sleepy baby, hm?" he questioned as I was quick to disagree. "No, no I'm not" as I sat up, but my eyes continued to slowly shut as the rest of my body slumped against him. Now that I was back with Miles, it was getting harder and harder to fight the sleep that I had struggled to get when I wasn't with him. 

As soon as I was in his arms, I usually would fall asleep. There would be no way that I could go without food or anything when I was with the boys, but with Miles, he made it seem so normal by passing me food or just rubbing my back so that I could get some sleep. 

A knock on the door sounded, as my eyes finally closed. I felt myself being passed to someone else, which disappointed me a little, but I was out soon after that, not caring about anything else but the sleep that was coming for me, and me only. I was beyond happy to be back here, with them. 


thoughts? xx

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thoughts? xx

sorry for being so short and sweet with this filler chapter. 

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