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"What's the deal?" I asked, looking at him incredulously.

He was not playing fair. His revenge centered not only on me but also on my family. What a fucking bastard!

I admit, the moment I came face to face with him, I had an ambivalent feeling. I got affected by his handsome face, compelling eyes and gorgeous body. Standing there in front of me like he just came out of the centerfold cover of GQ magazine, wearing all black. At the same time, I wanted to murder him right there and then!

Calmness was my virtue. But with Sebastian Stavrakos, I found it hard to control my anger. I had to bite my lips in order to stop myself from cursing him in front of all the diners in the fancy restaurant.

I did not know what his plan was. Why did he involve the press and paparazzi in our meeting?

He seemed to want more from his revenge on me.

What a bastard!

I could not stand being in the same room with this jerk. His arrogance, overbearing attitude... and everything about him suffocated me. Even his wonderful male scent.

No matter how gorgeous he was—sitting there across from me like a charming prince with eyes as blue as the pacific ocean, making me drown in them—he was an evil bastard ordering me to lie!

"I'll tell you about the deal after we eat. Take whatever you like. I ordered all the specialties of the house."

"I said, I'm not hungry." I leaned back on the padded seat, crossing my arms and legs.

I was starving. All the food looked so temptingly delicious. The aroma of the steak and fresh-baked bread stirred my appetite, making my stomach gurgle. All the dishes on the table were my favorite—especially the chicken Waldorf salad. My mouth watered imagining how delicious and satisfying it could be.

But I did not want to give this man the satisfaction of giving into the food he ordered. I wanted him to feel how immensely I hated him. I could not bear eating at the same table with him.

I hated everything about him. His smug face, the way he smirked, talked and walked, too confident of himself. He surely knew the effect he had on people, especially on women.

"Well, I'm starving." He picked the Greek salad and pushed the chicken Waldorf salad closer to my plate. "If you'd like to join me, just dig in."

"Tell me what the deal is, so we can get over this... and you can enjoy your meal."

"I'll enjoy it more if you share it with me, Miss Treble." His lips twisted. "Eating alone with all this food, and you watching me, just reminds me of my nannies doing the same as I grew up."

The way he said it, I could feel the pain in him.

I shrugged. I was only imagining it. This man was an insensitive, callous, arrogant bastard. Nothing could pain him.

"I'm sure they were always at your beck and call, Mr. Stavrakos."

A wicked smirk touched his lips, and he stopped eating. I watched him refill his glass with sparkling red wine. He sipped his wine then took time to wipe his lips with the white table napkin.

Suddenly, he looked dangerous.

I swallowed when his eyes met mine. Then came his well-measured response.

"You really assume the worst of me, Miss Treble." He dropped the table napkin on the table. "You don't know me at all, and yet, you've made the world believe that I'm the worst creature on the whole planet." A vein popped on his neck, ready to explode.

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