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It was a beautiful sunny Sunday morning; I woke up early and the first thing I did was read Sweet's blog last night.

Hello everyone! It's already quarter to twelve, but I can't sleep. My body is weak but my brain is still so alert after the activities I did today.

I just came home from my date with Sebastian. In case you wonder, it was our third.

I had a few dates before, but nothing could compare to dating a rich guy. Usually, my date would take me to a candlelight dinner, a picnic at the park, go for a bike ride together, fruit picking, walking by the seaside, and watching a movie–

Movies? Is that the reason she wanted us to watch a movie, because she loves movie dates? Well, it's the only thing that we did not do.

Candlelight dinner. Checked. Picnic at the park, hmm, we ate burgers at the children's park in the village, so that s checked. We rode an ATV, so the bike ride together is checked, as well as walking by the seaside. We visited the farm in the village and did some fruit picking. So, that's also a big check.

What she wanted now suddenly mattered.

I continued reading and grinned at the mention of my name again.

With Sebastian, I felt like one of the princesses in Disney's fairy tale stories. But in a modern way. If Cinderella rode a pumpkin coach to meet his prince, a helicopter fetched me to meet mine–it was a date that any girl would wish for.

We started with an eat-all-you can buffet! I love food, all kinds, especially calamari, and eating breakfast at Stavrakos Island hotel and Beach Resort with over fifty cuisines was heaven.

Our stomachs were too heavy to swim or do any water sports activities after the sumptuous meal, so we went to the village. It felt wonderful driving an ATV, with the smell of fresh morning breeze and feel of sunlight on my skin.

We met some of the villagers; they were so warm and friendly. We visited a farm and tried some sweet and juicy peaches, plums and nectarines. We met Cotton, who just gave birth to six puppies. And we got to taste the best leche flan too! We roamed around the village and sat at the seawall, where a bug would not leave Sebastian. I guess it just wanted to join our date. He was so pissed but I couldn't help myself laughing :D.

I roared in laughter, remembering the incident. I stretched my body and leaned my back against the headboard.

We went to the market, and I bought some souvenirs, then we ate burgers at the children's park before driving back to the hotel. The rest of the afternoon was awesome. For the first time, I got to try water sports like parasailing, jet skiing and wake boarding. I never thought it would be that fun.

Now I understand why Sebastian seeks different thrilling adventure. From gun shooting, rock climbing, driving fast cars, flying planes and helicopters, doing extreme sports and others. It's not just for fun, but learning from the experience. These kinds of activities help improve a person's self-competency and personal empowerment. It would test endurance and agility, develop trust, personal identity and emotional resiliency.

Reading her statement about me, I felt so light, warm and happy that she understood me. Being with her, I feel I do not have to explain why I am the way I am.

This kind of adventure is not for everyone. There are less strenuous activities like hiking on hills, seeing fresh places by traveling, swimming in the lake, learning tennis and other things. Life is too short to be trapped in a monotonous daily routine. We have to experience something different to live life to the fullest.

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