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Jace looked my way and grinned. I felt so awkward when I got caught staring. I lifted my wineglass and smiled at him.

Darn it! What are you doing, Sweet? I mumbled to myself and went to the bar to get another drink.

Bianca stood beside me and asked about Sebastian.

"I heard the news about you and Sebastian Stavrakos breaking up. That sucks." She raised one eyebrow at me, then chuckled nastily.

"It's even worse seeing you here." I replied calmly.

"Ha! I'm curious what Jace sees in you? You're a bitch!"

"I'm not usually, except for leeches like you." I glanced at her, then smiled sweetly. "You totally took advantage of Jace when he got wasted at the graduation ball. It must've sucked when he figured out it was you and shoved you away."

"Who told you that?" Her eyebrows furrowed.

"One of your girls spilled the tea. Looks like you got a snake in your circle."

Bianca's face turned red in shame, then she stormed off.

Later, I wandered around and had a chat with some friends. I grabbed another glass of champagne from the server, and Jace just appeared next to me.

"Hey, slow down, that's your fourth drink."

"Seriously, you were counting?"

"Yes, mam," he took the glass from me, and when I tried to retrieve it, he lifted it out of my reach. "Don't underestimate this sweet champagne. It can easily knock you out. You got to stay sober 'cause you're driving me home."

"Come on," I went for my glass again, but he finished it in one gulp. "No way!"

"You're done with the wine tonight."

I pouted, and he chuckled aloud.

"You're so cute," he pinched my chin, then grabbed my hand. "Come on, let's dance. That's our song."

He led me to the dance floor, joining the others dancing Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes' song, Señorita.

I remember Jace and I used to dance to that song when it was popular. We'd practice the hot sexy dance in their basement, and of course, we'd always end up making out.

He definitely remembered it, too. His gaze was magnetic, and his touch gentle yet seductive. He never let go of my hand, and if he did, it was to pull me closer.

It was a fun night with lots of laughs, catching up with old friends, dancing, and singing along to the music. But when the party was over and I got in my car, my heart felt empty again.

"You alright?" Jace asked when I was sitting in the passenger seat of my pickup. Yeah, he ended up driving 'cause I had two more glasses of the sweet champagne.

"Yeah, I'm good. I just feel so sleepy." I yawned and succumbed to the effects of the sweet champagne.

"Alright, off to dreamland you go," He said, and I was out like a light.

Next thing I knew, I was in my bedroom at home, in broad daylight.

I panicked, wondering what had happened last night. I just remembered sleeping in my pickup.

I bolted downstairs to the kitchen, and there was Mom, cooking breakfast.

"What happened? I don't remember coming home last night."

Mom's lips twisted and said. "You drank so much, you passed out. Jace carried you to your room. And don't worry, I was the one who changed your clothes."

The Billionaire's Sweet TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now