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Wednesday night, I arrived home for our family dinner. My parents greeted me with a big hug.

"You did it, son. Good job!" Dad tapped my back, looking so impressed.

"We've been trying to close that partnership deal with the Taiwanese Company for two years already, and finally, you were able to convince them," Mom grinned widely.

"That's right. They signed the contract without much question."

"I'm sure it has something to do with your reputation also, Sebastian," Mom said, "They've noticed your image being cleaner lately, so they're confident to sign the deal."

I sighed, and agreed with her. One of the Taiwanese executives mentioned it too.

"I'm happy that you're proving to us that you can run our business after all. Just continue what you're doing son, you're on the right track," Dad said.

"Thanks Dad, and Mom."

"Come on, let's celebrate. This night is for your success, Sebastian. We're so proud of you."

At nine thirty, I was eating my dessert. A strange looking brown cake made by my sister. Everyone kept on guessing the main ingredient.

"This is really delicious and addictive. I could taste caffeine. Am I right?" I asked Luna, who was busy watching everyone with hawk eyes as we all tasted her creation. She got engrossed in baking nowadays, and made unique cakes and pastries.

"Truffle, most probably. I could taste it," Grandma Pia said, toying with the little black pearls, "is it?"

"I know what it is, but I will not spoil it to everyone," Mom smiled, eating her cake earnestly, while Luna continued slicing the cake for everyone's second serving.

"This is very delicious and unique, it should be included in the Craft Futuristic Cafe menu," Dad agreed, pleasing Luna - whose face remained deadpan. Nothing impresses her, and she doesn't know how to smile. In fact, everyone calls her the girl who doesn't smile.

"I agree. This would be a bestseller. So, dear. What are the ingredients of this cake?" My grandpa Kristov asked Luna gently.

"It's a cake version of milk tea. They're just cake soaked in milk tea, with brown sugar and tapioca balls on top," Luna said, and everyone sighed with relief. No one wanted to know that she made weird ingredients like pig's blood and squid ink again.

I usually go to the bar after our regular Wednesday family dinner. But the idea of drinking and hooking up with girls was not appealing anymore. Instead, I played billiards with my grandpas' Kristov and Gareth, while listening to their stories about fishing, making the best steak and how they impressed their wives.

"How do you impress a girl?" I asked them, and their eyes grew big with curiosity.

"Seriously, you're asking us? I thought you're an expert on girls, Seb," Grandpa Gareth chuckled, then aimed a shot of his ball.

"That's what he made us believe. Unfortunately, our grandson sucks when it comes to girls," grandpa Kristov shook his head.

Grandpa Gareth's mouth twisted, "In that case, I guess I'm not in an excellent position to give advice. I only have Celine in my entire life. Kristov had a lot of experience with women. You can give him good tips."

"Who gave you the idea that I had? Lower your voice, Gareth. I don't want Pia to hear a conversation like this. I'm going to have an MRI tomorrow, I need a good night's sleep."

"Your back is getting worse, huh?" Grandpa Garett said, "my cholesterol is over 300. But I'm not taking any meds, only herbal supplements."

"You should take meds," I said to Grandpa Garett, then gave a nod to Grandpa Kristov, whose turn to hit the ball.

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