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At exactly seven, I met Sweet at the hotel lobby. She looked so damn stunning and alluring in her little black dress.

"You look so beautiful," I greeted her, without taking my eyes off her. She became more and more beautiful every time I saw her. I could stare at her forever and I would never get tired.

Dammit. I could not deny it now that I'm very fascinated by her. She's a goddess in every sense of the word.

"Thank you. I could say the same about you," she replied, and that simple compliment made me flush.

For heaven's sake. This is new to me. I'm used to women complimenting me every day, and I ignore them. But with Sweet, it's a big deal.

"Let's go?"

"Sure," she agreed, and I took her duffel bag as we walked towards my Rolls Royce Phantom, waiting outside the main entrance of the hotel.

She wanted to leave right away after dinner and I could not stop her from doing so. She agreed on our date with no question, and every minute she proved to be a wonderful companion.

I exhaled heavily. Yeah, time flew too fast being with her. And it's insane that I kept on forgetting that I shouldn't feel fascinated or attracted to her. This whole dating deal is not about establishing a relationship with her, but to polish my reputation.

A driver took us to Craft Futuristic café and Restaurant - my latest venture. It was a quick ride, but we were able to talk about some vital things.

"I called Sam Andrews this afternoon. He informed me he signed a new contract with your father."

"Yeah, they did yesterday. Mr. Andrews increased the buying amount by 25 percent, he said it was your instruction," she glanced at me, then focused her attention back at the city lights outside the tinted glass window. I could feel the pain in her expression.

"It's just being fair, considering that all prices right now are increasing," I added, and all she did was nod. Just a nod.

Well, I deserved that after I hurt their business. I just thought that the increase could help compensate for their rotten potatoes.

I stopped talking about things that involved our dating deal - it just ruined the moment as we remembered we hated each other. She easily shifted from being bubbly and smiling to cold and feisty. So instead, we talked about some random stuff. That way, we vibe and have enjoyable moments together.

The manager showed us to our table, and we ordered our food. I've kept in mind what she likes during lunch. She loves mayonnaise in her vegetable salad, fruits, chicken and shrimp. She's not much of a red meat person, but likes anything fried and crunchy.

"Calamari is my favorite," she told me after we ordered, "I love anything crispy, like fried chicken and perfect thin fries. What about you?"

"I eat anything, except peanuts."

She chuckled, "of course I know that, silly. For sure, you have a favorite food. Or you're scared that I'm going to write about it?"

"Now look who's getting sillier," I laughed, "I love steak, salmon, chicken and squid. I prefer grilled food over anything with oil. Yogurt with dark chocolate is my favorite dessert. Now, you can write about all the food that I love, just don't mention my allergy to peanuts."

"Sure. You can count on me," she was being playful and winked at me. For some damn reason, I flushed like a schoolboy facing his crush for the first time.

"What's your idea of a perfect date?" I asked her, then took a sip of my wine.

What she likes suddenly matters to me. I wanted her to enjoy it while we're into this.

The Billionaire's Sweet TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now