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Friday morning arrived and all the directors were in the conference room, sitting around a rectangular table. I was running the meeting, going over the Mars project and updating everyone on our robotics engineers' progress.

"We're already aware of that. What's going on?" One director was like, totally bored when I was talking. Ever since my meeting with Mr. Takahashi went sideways, they've treated me like I'm some kind of problem.

"You'll never believe it, but I have some good news. We can send really advanced robots to Mars that can run a facility." Some people sighed, while others smirked and raised their eyebrows.

"That would require a boatload of cash. We can't afford to lose any more money." Another director said. "If only we had Mr. Takahashi's investment, then there would be no issue in putting the plan into action."

"Yeah, that's right," they all chimed in, talking over each other, pointing fingers at me.

"Silence please," Dad ordered, and the room instantly turned so quiet you could hear a pin drop on the floor. Then he turned to me, "you can now continue, Sebastian."

There was a buzz again, then someone said, "we already heard your presentation, there's no reason to repeat."

"I agree, you heard it too many times, but—" I said firmly, "the purpose of repeating isn't for all of you."

They all seemed baffled, their foreheads creased and eyes glued to me.

"So, who's it for?" Mom asked.

The door opened, and James entered the conference room. Behind him was the newcomer that I had been waiting to arrive.

"For him," I said, and everyone's jaw hit the floor.

"Mr. Takahashi?" Mom was so surprised and gasped.

"Alright, everyone. Meet Mr. Takahashi. He's here to listen to what I've got to say."

Everyone stood up and gave Mr. Takahashi a warm welcome. Once we were done with the small talk, Mr. Takahashi came over to the table and I carried on with my presentation.

My presentation took an hour. Mr. Takahashi brought up some questions, and I answered his questions nicely. He had some suggestions of his own, and we noted if it was doable. Overall, the project impressed him. After I finished, he stood up and extended his hand for a handshake.

"This is the project that I really wanted to invest my money into. It's saving humankind, not for ourselves but for the future generation. So my answer is a big yes. I'm on board for this project."

"Thank you, Mr. Takahashi. You will not regret your decision to join us."

"You're welcome, Mr. Stavrakos." He smiled. "I'll catch up with you at lunch to talk more about this."

"Of course. I'll see you there." I answered, and he bade goodbye, leaving with his secretary and bodyguards.

The moment the door closed, I said to everyone.

"We scored the deal."

"We sure did," the same man who contradicted me earlier grinned so widely now.

Everyone pumped up and cheered. They said congrats and patted my back. My parents came up to me and gave me a big hug.

"We're really proud of you, son," Dad said.

My mom got all emotional and hugged me tightly. "We couldn't be prouder of you."

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