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"Yes, it's true I'm dating Sebastian. But trust me, I'm interviewing him also for the book," I said to my publisher, Carol Sander, over the phone.

"Where you able to get more information about him? From what I heard, he's a close book when it comes to his personal life."

"Well, I have a few already, but I'll try to get more on our next date."

"Hmm, I heard he doesn't do second dates, and with all those comments in the internet right now... but I wish you luck," she said in a bored tone.

"That's not necessary. In fact, he asked me for a date this coming Saturday."

"Oh really?" her voice rose, sounded surprise, "well, if that's the case, you need to really impress us with your first draft. If you can submit it next month..."

"Of course, I will," I assured her.

"Cool. I'll wait for it then," she replied and hang up.

I was on my desk, staring at a photo frame when I heard a knock on the door.

"The door is open," I said, and Erin entered.

"May I come in?"

"You already did, come," I smiled and she advanced into my room, and sat on my bed, "what's up?"

"Mm... I just want to check if you're okay. You were silent during dinner."

"There's a lot of things in my mind, lately. My publisher called, they're still on the fence if I could give them an exclusive interview of Sebastian."

"What else do they want? You're dating Sebastian, I'm sure you'll be able to write more about him."

"That's what I told them," I sighed, feeling frustrated, "and of course, those nasty comments. I know, you're all as affected as I am but just trying to liven the mood throughout dinner."

"Of course. What hurts you, also hurts us. But we need to be strong in tough times, just as you always taught me and Colton. This will pass, once people know the truth," she sat beside me, and held my hand, "just remember, that you're not alone. No matter what comes your way, we're here for you. We're in this together."

"Thanks, Erin, that's all I want to hear," we hugged each other. My unpleasant feeling became lighter having her to comfort me.

"I'm just glad that Dad did not read the comments and just heard from you, omitting those filthy nasty ones, or else he would get insanely mad, especially at Sebastian."

"Right. Dad would probably murder him," Erin laughed, then clasped her hands together, "talking of Sebastian, did he message you already about the comments? Perhaps just to comfort you... for moral support."

"Nope. He probably hasn't heard from it or doesn't care."

"Eventually, he'll face his own karma by hurting you." She sighed, her arms clasped together, "we're just thankful that you have avid supporters who reported those trolls and removed the mean comments."

"Indeed. They're gems. I hope I know who they are so I can thank them personally."

Later, I was alone in my bedroom. I opened my laptop and continued writing my blog. I had to set the record straight. The nasty posts and comments were gone, but the speculations of the readers were still there. They needed to know the truth.

I wrote.

Hello Sweet readers! I know you've been waiting for my blog to know what's really going on between me and Sebastian Stavrakos. As I promised, I'll tell you about it.

The Billionaire's Sweet TroubleWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu