Chapter 3

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I looked over to see Sharron snoring softly as his chest rose and fell, I got up slowly and grabbed my clothes. He looked so innocent in his sleep, almost every guy does. I had fallen asleep for a bit, but I woke up and realized how late it must be. I gently closed the door and walked over to my purse. Pulling out my phone I realized I had 4 missed calls, a voicemail, and 12 unread texts. It was all Judah. I ordered an uber and checked my messages:

Enjoy yourself 😉

Hey I need a name at least

I know youre not still at the restaurant

You cannot just ignore me

Its really going that well??

Bitch you know the rules! Text no matter what

Dick better be gold plated

Just have fun ig

Babe you good??

Im gonna assume you forgot

Call me as soon as you get back on your phone

Im worried

"Shit," I whispered and quickly got dressed. I took all of my jewelry off and put it in my purse. It had been almost 5 hours since I texted him, and it was 3 in the morning now. I went outside, locking the door behind me and called Judah. I listened to the ringing tone as I walked over to the curb and sat down.

"She's alive," He answered in a monotone voice.

"I am so sorry. I just got so caught in the moment and I left my phone in his living room, I swear I meant to text you as soon as we left the restaurant but things just got-"

"It's fine. I'm just glad you haven't been kidnapped, or murdered, or raped. You know?" He yawned, "I couldn't sleep."

"Awe babe," He's always been so sweet to me, always looking out for me and waiting up when I worry him, "Kelsey didn't stay to keep you company?"

He chuckled softly, "She went home at like 10 something, 11 maybe. I don't know."

"Damn so she wasn't trying to stay the night this time, huh?" I began rubbing my legs 'Its so fucking cold out here.'

"To be honest, I thought your phone might've died. So I told her you would be back soon, and that I wanted to drink and watch movies with you when you came back," His sleepy voice started to come out.

"I'm so sorry, you should've just had her stay. I would've let you be and went to my room if I came back early. I wasn't planning on being out this late. Everything just escalated so quickly and I forgot to text you," I paused, "His name was Sharron by the way, and we took an uber to his house. I'm about to be on my way home now though."

"Don't worry, I wasn't in the mood to cuddle anyway. How far are you?"

"I think it said like 15 minutes, but my ride isn't here yet," I switched to rubbing my arms. I'm not sure why I didn't stay inside, but I locked the door so there was no turning back.

"Let me stay on the phone till it gets there then," he insisted.

"Alright," I smiled, "What are you up to?"

"I'm just sitting on the couch, watching that one show about cooking. I forgot what it's called, the kids one," He mumbled to himself.

"Master Chef Junior." We said in sync, I laughed.

"I think it's so funny, he's such a pussy with the kids," He laughed too, "I like to watch one of these and then watch the other one with the real chefs."

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