Chapter 8

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I woke up and my jaw was aching. I lifted my head, opening and closing my mouth in an attempt to relieve the stiffness. I opened my eyes, realizing my head was resting on Judah's chest. I was halfway on top of him, my leg over the top of his. His arm was probably going to hurt too, it was underneath me.

He inhaled sharply and groaned, I felt him stretching beneath me. I rubbed my eye and moved my leg off of him. Suddenly, my stomach started to feel a bit queasy.

"Hey," His deep, sleepy voice emerged.

"Morning," I yawned as I looked for my phone, mumbling to myself, "What time is it?" I grabbed my phone and saw a message from Francisco,

Dont forget lunch at 1 same

It was 11:53. I sat up and looked over at Judah, setting my phone on my lap. He looked like he was falling back asleep. I was looking at his face with content, paying special attention to the details. My eyes scanned his forehead, his hair was all over the place. His eyebrows weren't too bushy but looked wild, as if he rubbed them in different directions. He had very light freckles across his cheeks and his nose. His lips were parted slightly, there were little cracks. He never wore chapstick or lip balm, I often told him it was disgusting. But, it wasn't like they were severely chapped or anything. His stubble was getting longer, he shaved often, so he would probably shave today. My stomach started to turn again as I analyzed all of his features over and over. His eyes fluttered open and he looked over at me.

"What are you smiling at, weirdo?" His eyebrows furrowed at me as he sat himself up.

"You look so innocent when you're sleeping," I replied sweetly.

He smiled at me and then rubbed his face repeatedly, I stood up and started walking around the bed, "Where are you going?" He reached out towards me as I passed by the side of the bed he was laying on.

I smacked his hand down, "To the bathroom, fuck off."

I went into the bathroom and did my morning routine, brushing my teeth and hair, washing my face. I wasn't planning on taking a shower this morning, so I did my hair too. I decided to do a simple half up half down style, leaving small strands to frame my face. I walked back into my bedroom and Judah was still sitting on my bed.

"Come here," He said, patting the bed, "Sit down."

"Why?" I said as I walked over to my dresser drawers, looking for something casual for lunch, "I've got to leave in less than an hour."

"Where you going?" He asked.

"Jean and Robert are in town. We're all going to lunch. Want to crash the party?" I looked back at him, smiling.

"Oh! That's right, you and Cisco were talking about that last night, huh?" He sighed, "I shouldn't, I just forgot. Never mind."

"What do you mean, never mind?" I turned back around and continued to plan an outfit.

"Don't worry about it," He stood up, "I won't be here when you get back."

"Okay," I said simply, "You coming back for dinner?"

His voice was farther, "I'll be here."

I continued to look for something to wear. I ended up wearing some black ripped jeans with a baggy white tee shirt. I tucked the front of the shirt into my pants and put on my air forces. I added some studs, a ring, and a couple of bracelets. I did my make up simply. I filled in my eyebrows and put on mascara, I concealed under my eyes and a few blemishes. Finishing the look with some highlight, I sprayed some body mist above my head, twirling as it fell onto me. I picked up my bag and cleaned it out quickly.

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