Chapter 7

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*This chapter contains explicit content*

I was standing next to Millie at the bar, "I think I might actually give it a try," She was talking about her and Cisco getting together.

"Yay! Good for you. I honestly think you should try at the least, you don't have to worry about surprises because he's my brother, you know," I had just finished my first drink of the night and was ordering another. Francisco's talk with me earlier today really got to me, I felt the need to restrain myself. So, before we even left the house I told myself that I would limit myself to 3 drinks. We were already at the club for a couple hours, it was about 11:30. So, when it came to my progress I was doing alright. Whenever we all went out together, we usually didn't turn in till around 1 or 2 in the morning.

"I know, I never realized that he liked me. I thought he was just a nice person to everyone and liked to have fun. I thought it was a matter of convenience that he talked to me and asked me to dance and stuff."

"Yeah, you've always been clueless," I laughed and grabbed my drink off of the counter.

Me and Millie made our way back to the group, drinks in hand. Jane was never much of a drinker, so me and Millie just handed drinks to Judah and Cisco. We were all gathered around one of the tables, taking a break from dancing. Judah and Jane were talking and so was Millie and Cisco. I often felt like the fifth wheel on these outings, but I actually loved spending time with all of them. I pulled out my phone, trying to let everyone have their 1 on 1 time together. There was a message from Sharron.

Hey, Ive been thinking about you. Wanna
hang out sometime? I just want to get to
know you. No sex.

I couldn't help laughing a bit at the message, 

No thanks

 I replied quickly and looked through my other messages. Nothing caught my eye, I was very selective on my tinder account. So unless the person hit me with something that was more than 'hey' and also not obnoxious or cheesy, they didn't even get the time of day.

There was a poke on my back, "Hey I think we're going to head out," I turned to see Millie and Francisco.

Francisco was holding Millie's hand, I smiled at them and hugged each one, "I knew it," I couldn't help saying in her ear, "Have fun."

After they were out of view, I turned to see Judah and Jane swapping spit. 'Okay, I should get ready to leave.' But, I didn't want to go home alone. I drank my drink and opened my messages again. I decided against my old rule of not having sex with the same person more than once. After all, situation Kyle turned out very well. I imagined how you could level up from Sharron and I's last experience together as I opened our messages again.

How about we do have sex. Tonight?

I finished my second drink, a little quicker than I was planning. I looked over at Judah and Jane one more time, they were completely invested in each other. I decided against interrupting them and made my way to the bar.

"Hey Ky, what you need?" Bailey asked me, she was a bartender. We were acquainted, she was always so sweet.

"Hey, 7 and 7," I leaned against the bar and she started to get the drink together.

Alonzo spotted me and made his way over towards me from behind the bar, " Hey cutie, how about that shot I offered you last night?"

I smiled at him, "You know what, I'll take it. Buzzkill isn't here to stop me this time," I joked.

"Nice," he grinned widely and grabbed a shot glass, pouring me some Hennessy Black. I also liked cognac quite a bit. He knew my favorites were dark liquor.

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