Chapter 19

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I was looking in the mirror as Judah wrapped a towel around himself. I was brushing my teeth, watching him. He looked at me, smiling as he messed with his wet hair. I finished brushing my teeth and smiled at him, leaving the bathroom. Last night was a lot. I was thinking about everything the whole time we were in the shower. I dropped my towel and got myself dressed. I was drying my hair when Judah appeared in the reflection of my mirror.

"You okay if I go shopping with you?" He asked.

I nodded, "If you really want to."

He shrugged, "I don't have to. I could just give you money."

I thought about it for a minute, "Actually, I'll go alone."

He nodded, "Alright," turning around and walking towards his room he muttered, "Cool."

I put some shoes on and walked out of my room. Judah was standing in the kitchen shirtless, eating a bowl of cereal. At least he had pants on. I walked over to him, admiring his body. He looked up at me, smirking, "I'm heading out," I laughed.

"I'll just send you the $40," He told me, his arms going over my shoulders. He was still holding his cereal.

"Don't spill on me," I looked up at him.

"I won't," He laughed, "Have fun."

I smiled, "I will. I'll be home for dinner. You should cook, I made food by myself last week."

He rolled his eyes exaggeratedly, "If you insist."

I got on my tippy toes and kissed him, "I love you, loser."

He cracked a smile, kissing me again before replying, "Love you too, loser."


I was in a waiting room, patiently waiting to be called back. I stopped by a pharmacy and already took the pill earlier. I was about to get tested just to make sure I was clean before I went shopping. I've never had a reason to be worried about it, no symptoms. But it's just better to be safe when you sleep with multiple people, especially after confirmed contact.

After my name was called, I stood up and went back. While I was finally getting sat in the room the woman smiled, "So how are you feeling?"

She proceeded with other screening questions while she took my vitals before handing me a cup to pee in. I went to the bathroom and left the sample. I was sitting on the bed when the doctor walked in. There was a typical greeting followed by some more questions. This time they were along the lines of, "How many sexual partners have you had?"

I laughed and told her I couldn't be sure. As awkward as it was, it went on smoothly. I'd done this multiple times. So, I knew the procedure and what came next, nothing was too surprising. I was told to wait for 15 more minutes in the lobby, for the test results. I was about to stand up when someone knocked on the door and walked into the room. It was one of the nurses, she handed the paper to the doctor and walked back out. She was quick and quiet, looking at her feet.

The doctor read over the paper and looked up at me, "Are you aware that you're pregnant?"

"What? I'm on birth control, I have the implant. I just took plan-B, I'm not pregnant. And this just happened like yesterday," I was nothing but confused at that moment.

"Well, you must have been pregnant for a while before that hun," She put her paper down and looked at me, "Don't worry, the pill will not affect the fetus. However, I would like to talk to you about your options. Do you-"

"How far along am I?" I asked.

"Let's see, you said you don't remember your last period?"

"I don't even get them anymore, I stopped getting them years ago when I got the impl-" I let out a panicked breath, "Holy shit, I'm pregnant?"

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