Chapter 20

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The silence was killing me. I was at home by myself, it was 2 in the morning and I couldn't sleep. I had my ultrasound earlier, everything went well. I saw him for the first time, I don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet. But he vibes are sticking strongly.

~ flashback ~

I was laying on the reclined chair with my stomach exposed and my pants pulled low. Suddenly the technician squirted warm jelly on my stomach, "Are you excited?" She asked.

"I-" I paused, thinking for a second, "Yeah."

She smiled, "Nervous is normal, babe." I chuckled softly as she pushed the camera thing onto my stomach, "Now, I'm going to be pushing on you, let me know if you get uncomfortable or start to feel funny in any way."

I nodded as she pushed into my stomach, moving around. She went lower and pushed in harder, "When am I able to find out the gender?" I asked.

"Well, we don't usually do that until 16-20 weeks. It's more accurate if you wait a bit longer and things are more developed," She smiled and looked over at me, "That's your baby."

I looked at the monitor and there he was. He already started to look like a baby, he was bigger than I thought he would be. "Holy shit," I started tearing up, "How far along do you think I am?"

She took a picture and measured it, "By eye, I think you're 12 weeks," She hummed and took some more measurements, "It's looking like you're about 12 weeks and 5 days."

I didn't know what to say, but I found myself smiling incredibly hard, just looking at the monitor.

~ end flashback ~

I grabbed the ultrasound picture again, looking at it. I had already gone through tinder and looked back at my suspected conception date. There were 2 possible candidates for who his father might be, as long as the measuring is accurate. So I messaged both of them, asking to talk. Neither had replied and I was not looking forward to when they did. I barely spoke a few words to one of them, Corbin. But the other was a decent guy, his name was Holden.

My phone was ringing, it was Cisco. I answered, "Why are you up right now?"

"Don't mind that, how are you?" He asked, I could hear him chewing on something crunchy.

"I'm good. So, I'm 12 weeks. Almost 13," I told him.

"Damn, no way," He sounded shocked.

"I already texted his potential fathers," I sighed, "Neither-"

"Wait, is it a boy?" He interrupted me, shouting.

I laughed, "No, I don't know yet. He might be! But, I've just been referring to them as a he since I've seen him. I probably shouldn't, but," I shrugged as if he could see me.

"Damn, I hope it is a boy though. I want a little nephew so bad!" He was extremely enthusiastic for a 2 am conversation.

"Why are you up? For real?"

He sighed, "I just couldn't sleep. I remembered you had your ultrasound so I had to call you."

I laughed, "Well it is late. We should both go to sleep. I'll send you the pictures though."

"Love you Ky. Sleep well," He hung up and I sent him a picture. I wished I could talk to Judah, I still hadn't told anyone except Cisco. I didn't get to see Judah at work today, I left for my lunch early to go to the ultrasound. I was still staying at my parent's house. I'd been here 3 days so far. I was planning on just going home after work on Saturday. But, not talking to him was killing me. I knew that if I did talk to him though, I would probably blurt out the big news. I decided at the very least, he deserved an in person conversation.

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