Chapter 13

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I studied graphic design, and Judah ended up in marketing. He took a year off before starting college, so we got to live our college lives together. We had both just graduated at the beginning of summer. So, we were fortunate to get the same internship. Judah started his first and recommended me to them once he found out they were looking for interns in my field as well. We only work together once a week, and we don't really see each other much. But, I still thought it was cool. Plus, we got to ride to and from work together on Wednesdays since our hours were the same.

It was around the time we had lunch when Judah approached me, "Hey, cutie."

I looked up from my screen, smiling. He was wearing a tight, white button up shirt with his sleeves cuffed to his elbows and some black slacks with black shoes. "Hello," my voice was chipper, "How's everything going?"

"I'm heading for lunch, if you wanna come with? I was thinking Chipotle, down the street. I could just grab your usual, if you want," He said as he leaned on my desk.

I glanced at the time, "Yeah, I'll go with."

"Cool, I'll wait in the lobby," He smiled and walked out.

I finished up what I was doing and let my supervisor know I was going to eat before walking downstairs. The building was always so busy with so much going on, so the stairs were often the best bet if you wanted to be quick. It had already been almost 5 minutes since I told Judah I would go with him, so I was practically running.

"Sorry, sorry," I said as he walked towards me.

"Don't worry, you're worth waiting for," He bumped his shoulder into mine softly.

I looked up at him and smiled, "You're so cute."

We walked out of the building and made our way down the busy sidewalk, "How's your day been?" He asked.

"Good, I've been working on the new ad you guys wanted," I was so excited to do something so important, they usually had me doing very tedious work until this week, "Yeah I had a really specific outline of what Keith wanted, so there's not a whole bunch of creative freedom. But, I'm having fun."

"Really?" He asked, smiling, "Good for you."

"Yeah, I hope they offer me a permanent position. I'm totally trying my ass off with this ad."

He grabbed my hand in his, intertwining our fingers, "I'm sure they will, especially if you keep proving your worth."

I looked down at our hands, feeling myself get giddy, "If they offer you a permanent position would you take it?"

"Hell no," He was quick to answer.

I laughed, looking back up at him, "Why not?"

We had arrived at the Chipotle and he opened the door as we both walked in, "I just don't like the people that I would have to work under. Justin acts like I owe him something, he treats me like a personal secretary or something. I'm barely learning anything as it is. I'm only hanging in because I want the experience on my resume and you know, money is nice too."

I nodded, "Yeah that's true, I'm glad that I don't work directly under him. I wouldn't be able to do it."

We stood in line, "Yeah, plus it would be weird seeing each other every day once if we both worked there. I'd totally bang you in a closet or something."

I shook my head at him, smiling, "You're a nasty little boy."

"Little? I'm older than you."

"You don't act like it," I looked up at him.

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