Part 2

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Darkness is all I See,

Inside I'm empty.

In my fate it's just misery,

Happy...I was never meant to be.


Yoongi was in his room playing his guitar when He heard his mom calling him "Yoongi! Come down stairs!" he sighed and placed his guitar to its place and went down "Yes mom" He said. Yoongi saw his whole family sitting there "come sit we want to tell you something" his father said. Yoongi looked at his brother as he sat but seeing his confused face he understood he doesn't have the idea what's going on

"What is it?" Yoongi asked "We have arranged your marriage" Jang mi said Yoongi stood up while his brother snapped his head at towards his mother he was in pure shock "What!" he and his brother blurted "Yeah, my Best friend Hyun-Woo's daughter She is the one" Sung-hoo said "W-what You mean Ahn Hyun-woo, the former CEO of Korea's richest company" Seokjin said "Yeah you are right" Jang Mi agreed "H-how can you do this to me?" Yoongi's voice cracked, he felt his life falling apart "I don't even have the right to marry someone of my choice" He was deeply hurt Seokjin wanted to comfort his brother but his father stopped him "Yes, you don't" Jang mi rolled her eyes

"M-mom I hate you..." Yoongi whispered "I don't care Yoongi, You have to marry her, she's a rich CEO. After marriage you have to take care of her needs, satisfy her otherwise you know what I can do" Jang mi said getting up Yoongi barged away to his room shutting the door behind with a loud thud.


Ji Hyun got inside her car and started driving. She got a message from her father he wanted her to have dinner with the 'family' today so she drove to Ahn mansion. She reached and went inside and saw her father in the living room waiting for her "Ohh you came, come let's go your mother and sister are already waiting for you at the dining table" He said she nodded in return.

They went to the dining room only to see them already having their dinner "Umm Sorry honey we were very hungry so we started to eat" said Deiji, Hyun-woo's second wife Ji Hyun knew she is faking it, she didn't wanted to wait for her. "Yeah dad I was really hungry" Chaewon Ji Hyun step sister said in her high pitch voice "That's okay, come bun let's sit" he said they sat down and a maid come and served them dinner "so what did you wanted to talk about honey" she said in her so called sweet voice

"Uhm Actually I have arranged Ji Hyun's marriage" he said as he started to eat. Deiji glanced at him before continuing to eat "Ohh, who is he?" She asked "You remember my childhood best friend Sung-hoo?" He asked "Yeah I do" she said "Yeah It's his youngest son, Yoongi" Hyun-woo said "That poor man, you are getting her married to a poor?" She said rolling her eyes "Deiji! He's not poor I know he is not as rich as us but that doesn't mean you will look down at my friend" He said pissed from her behaviour

"Okay I'm sorry honey" she said with a 'so done' look her daughter Chaewon rolled her eyes "So Ji Hyun congratulations for your marriage" Deiji greeted her "Thank you mother" Ji Hyun said "And one more thing Ji Hyun..." Deiji, "yeah?" Ji Hyun responded "Why don't you take your sister to the company...let her also learn how the work is done there" She said wiping her mouth with a tissue "Mother..." Ji Hyun stopped eat before speaking further "She is a kid" "I'm not a kid Unnie...I'm 19 already" Chaewon gritted her teeth glaring at her elder sister

"Yeah" Deiji agreed with her daughter "She is a kid, I get a lot of complains from the school about her getting into fights and her bullying the other students and not paying attention to the lectures...and many more this shows how immature she is..." Ji Hyun gave a faint smirk as she calmly spoke. She owned the school where Chaewon studies so the principal informs her with everything she does Deiji clenched her jaw she turned to Chaewon and glared at her "I see...Chaewon if I heard you doing this once again I will ground you" She blurted in a stern voice "Honey relax she's a kid" Hyun-woo turned to Chaewon before speaking further "And Chaewon don't do these stuffs okay be a good girl and focus on your studies" she nodded in return and glared at Ji Hyun.

Soon everyone was done eating "I will take my leave Father" Ji Hyun said getting up "Yeah and tomorrow we are going to meet him at their house" He said. "Okay father" She nodded before leaving. Ji Hyun reached her home, she took a warm shower and wore something comfortable lying down on the bed she sighed "Only if you were with me mom" she whispered before drifting into sleep


Another morning, Ji Hyun walked inside the company everyone bowed and greeted her She made her way to her office when a person caught her eyes...the ice cream boy she bumped into at the café Taehyung didn't seemed to notice her since he was looking at his lap while fidgeting his finger it showed he was nervous that's when a worker comes to her "Ma'am that boy is here for interview...for personal assistant" he said pointing him "So...where is Mr. Song isn't he supposed to take interviews" she raised her eyebrow "Yes ma'am but he took a leave today, He asked you yesterday" He said to which she nodded "Okay send him to my office"

She went inside...The worker walked to him "Hey go to that office ma'am is going to take your interview" He said to which he nodded and did as he said walking to the office he noticed the name plate 'CEO, Ahn Ji Hyun' he sighed before knocking hearing a faint "come in" he walked inside he had his eyes down as he was nervous fidgeting his fingers he greeted her "G-good morning ma'am" "Good morning, sit down" hearing a familiar voice he looked at her his eyes widen seeing the woman he argued with yesterday

"Y-you!" He internally slapped himself for stuttering She smirked "Yeah me, shocked? I see...come sit here" He gulped before sitting he regretted fighting with her "So...your name is Kim...Taehyung" She read his Bio-data he nodded, Reading the whole file she was actually impressed he had high qualifications. She also asked him some questions to which he answered wisely, she was damn impressed "Okay you can go sit outside" Taehyung got up and went outside to sit. He sighed "Damn, I literally messed with a CEO of the richest company...I'm so dumb" He thought to himself as he face palmed.

"This man is really skilled and intellectual...I see" She thought to herself "He is still childish though" she sighed. She thought for a while "I guess rejecting him would be lose for me...he would actually help company grow more efficiently but if he behaves like a child here I will fire him" Ji Hyun made her decision and called a worker for a work...


Fifteen minutes passed, Taehyung was waiting outside. He looked at his watch when a worker came out and told him to go inside

He was Anxious, He walked inside again fidgeting his fingers, Taehyung didn't knew what was waiting for him but he did knew he didn't wanted to lose this opportunity to work in the richest company of Korea. She got up and walked to him and raised her hand he shut his eyes tight looking away. He thought she was going to hit him but instead she patted his shoulder he looked at her "Congratulations, Mr. Kim...from now on you are my personal assistant" He smiled widely "Thank you Ma'am" "You can go now, You will be informed about the things you need to know later okay" she said He nodded showing his boxy smile "Yes Ma'am" Taehyung turned around to leave but stopped and faced her again

"I wanted to say something" he asked for permission to speak she hummed in return "I'm sorry for behaving rudely to you yesterday...I can't help it I just love Ice cream so much" He rubbed his nape awkwardly "It's fine but if you will be unprofessional during working hours You will lose your job...You may leave now" Ji Hyun said Taehyung pouted because of her cold behaviour and left "this Man is really a child" she smiled faintly.        

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