Part 5

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(photograph credit to rightful owner)

I will always be there for you

Ji Hyun was working from home since it was a holiday; she's workaholic, it doesn't matters if it's day or night she will work her ass off. Ji Hyun sighed as she looked at the time she has to go out with Yoongi she got up from her chair and got ready. When she heard car honk from outside she understood it was Yoongi. Stepping outside the house she saw Yoongi leaning on the car waiting for her he gave her a smile as she walked to him.

Ji Hyun couldn't help but stare him, he looked really attractive. "What happened?" Yoongi looked at her confused because she didn't move an inch and just stared at him. She came back to her senses when he spoke "huh uh Nothing let's go" Yoongi nodded. They sat in the car, Yoongi started driving.

"Where are we going?" Ji Hyun asked "to a café's quite famous nowadays" he said to which she nodded. They kept stealing glances of each other during the awkwardly silent ride. Yoongi stopped the car when they reached their destination. They went inside and were greeted by a waiter he took them to a table and left. They sat down to meet an awkward silence.

They needed to start a conversation but no one knew what to say. Yoongi decided to break the silence he cleared his throat before speaking "So...uh do you...have any plans for the marriage?" " I don't have any plans...what about you?" She said "I also don't have any plans" "Our parents wanted to plan out everything about the marriage" She said raising her eyebrows before licking her lips.

Yoongi noticed her licking her lips which made him have a weird feeling he looked away from her lips and bit his lower one. He sighed before looking at her again. "Umm let's order something" he said grabbing the menu she took the other menu but stared at him instead of having a look at the menu while he was having a hard time deciding what to have.

They ordered their food and again the awkward silence took over this time Ji Hyun decided to speak first "Yoongi what you do for living I mean do you also work at your father's company?" "No I am not interested in family business my brother is already working in the company" He answered to which she nodded "Do you have any hobbies?" asked Yoongi

"No...I am too find a hobby" She said Yoongi nodded

"You know you should not work so much it's...bad for your health"

Ji Hyun didn't know what to say it was first time someone said something like that to her. She is used to overwork herself no one ever thought about her health. She nodded hesitantly. The waiter came with their food. They ate in total silence...they were finding it difficult to keep up a conversation since both are used to talk less plus they met just a day ago. As they were eating Yoongi spoke breaking the silence "Do you...have a type?" he instantly regretted asking it 'cause he realized it will make this more awkward "Huh?" she didn't seemed to understand what he meant

"I mean...what kind of man do you like?" Yoongi mentally slapped himself for coming up with this question "Umm I don't have a type...what about you?" Ji Hyun didn't mind his question since she was busy having her food "I actually like a girl who will understand me...someone who will not use me" He said to which she looked in his eyes as she nodded staring in his eyes she felt like he was hurt she totally understood was his family, they used him.

Just to make a strong relationship with a rich-ass family they used him. From the day Ji Hyun met his parents she clearly knew they were making this alliance for a not so good purpose. As they were done eating the waiter brought the bill "I will pay" said Ji Hyun "No, no I will pay..." he protested

"Okay let's split the bill?" She suggested to which he agreed after paying Ji Hyun spoke "Can you wait for me at the car I want to use the restroom" he nodded. Once she left his sight he made his way to the exit...As he walked a lot of thoughts came over his mind "Why am I so attracted to her?" "what is she doing to me?" "My fate is literally playing with me-" he was so into his thoughts that he didn't notice the man coming from the front and bumped into him

The man was holding a cup of coffee with was now all spilt on his clothes which looked expensive "Oh my god I'm really sorry I didn't saw you coming" Yoongi immediately apologized "You idiot you ruined my shirt!" the man yelled at him gathering everyone's attention Yoongi bowed to him "I'm so sorry sir...I didn't meant to ruined it, I accidently bumped into you" The man wasn't ready to let him go he pushed Yoongi by his shoulder "Do you even know how expensive this it?" He yelled again.

Yoongi couldn't speak further because of everyone's eyes on him he started to feel extremely anxious...he breathed heavily he wished someone could get him out of here "Can you even pay for this- Ohh sorry third class people like you can never afford shit like thi-" "He said he's sorry didn't he?" the man who couldn't shut his filthy mouth was finally interrupted by none other than Ji Hyun

"M-Ms. Ji Hyun" his eyes went wider than plates "You can't insult him for this shitty clothes" if glares could kill he would be dead by now "apologize to him" she said in her deadly cold and intimidating voice "huh?" the man muttered "You heard me" she said stepped aside letting him face Yoongi, he was stilled breathing heavily he wasn't used to the attention he was getting "I-I am sorry" he said under his breath it wasn't loud enough for anyone to hear "Speak louder" Ji Hyun said in a stern voice "I am s-sorry for speaking so...harshly Please f-forgive me" The man looked away Yoongi didn't speak he just nodded 

"How much does it cost?" she coldly said. "M-ma'am" he stuttered "Tell me" she raised her voice. "250$" he said as he lowered his head he didn't wanted to make her more angry Ji Hyun took out the exact amount from her back pocket and threw it on him "Never ever talk to him like that otherwise you won't like the consequences you will face it's a warning for everyone" she yelled and grabbed Yoongi's hand and took him out of the café.

Yoongi looked at her as she dragged him out of there. A faint smile formed on his face...he felt happy that she stood up for him. They stopped at the car "Are you okay? Ji Hyun's voice was totally opposite of how it was in the café, now it was soft, sweet and worried "I'm fine" Yoongi said not taking his eyes off from her she nodded "Thank you" Yoongi said with a genuine smile "Huh?" Ji Hyun made a frowned face "Thank you for defending me...I couldn't do it I-I was feeling really anxious because of the attention" Yoongi said making her hug him

She rubbed his back comforting him "You don't need to thank me...I will always defend you" Yoongi's heart skipped a beat He hugged her back and nodded he felt warmth in her embrace, he felt like he was safe from all the negativity around him. She pulled away to take a glimpse of his smiling face "you should smile often you look more handsome with a smile on" her comment made him blush "Let's go" he said to which she nodded

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