Part 8

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Just stay by my side forever, I need you...

Ji Hyun POV

Midnight but still I can't sleep, It's my wedding tomorrow...I don't know how should I feel, happy or scared...happy because there will be someone who I can call home and scared that I might hurt him too...he will leave me too...

What are you doing to me Yoongi...I thought I will not let anyone close to me I will never let anyone enter my heart but it seems like you are slowly breaking all the walls I build around me so that I won't hurt anyone...It's suffocating inside these boundaries but it's better to not let anyone in...

I didn't let anyone in then how couldn't I stop you? What are you?

And easily got close to I never thought I will have a brother like you...your presence comforts me I am afraid what if you get hurt too in the end...You two are really something...I just hope the past doesn't repeat...

Author POV

Ji Hyun drifted into sleep while thinking about her wedding these three weeks made Yoongi and Ji Hyun close but still Ji Hyun was not letting him completely get inside her heart. She still hesitated.

The sun rose...a new day, a new start for Yoongi and Ji Hyun. It's the most important day for both of them. Two totally different souls were going to unite for life. The only thing they had in common was that both were broken and needed someone to fix them. From today They were going to start a new life together...will this marriage work? will they ever trust each other?  will they ever fall in love with each other? or will one of the unhealed souls will bleed on the other from the wounds they never gave to them? Their path is full of obstacles will they be together till the end?


"Ji Hyun let's go you father is waiting at the hall" Deiji said Ji Hyun sighed looking at herself in the mirror " I can't believe I'm getting married" she thought to herself before she walked out of the room to the Hall "You look Beautiful my Daughter" Hyun woo smiled looking at her Ji Hyun neither replied nor reacted to his compliment. He let out his hand to her she placed hers on his. As he walked her on the aisle Ji Hyun's eye met Yoongi's who was standing on the stage with the priest, he mesmerized by her. Ji Hyun felt butterflies looking at how handsome her to be husband looked. They couldn't take eyes off each other.

They reached to the stage Hyun woo gave the hand of his daughter to Yoongi "take care of my daughter" he said to which Yoongi nodded. He smiled at his to be wife as she stood in front of him The priest spoke "now repeat after me...In the name of God, I, Min Yoongi, take you, Ahn Ji Hyun, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death" Yoongi repeated his words

"In the name of God, I, Ahn Ji Hyun , take you, Min Yoongi , to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death" Ji Hyun said her Vows too. "I announce you both as Husband and Wife. Now you may kiss the bride" The Priest said. Their heart was beating at an abnormal speed. Yoongi shyly took a step forward. He slowly leaned in and pecked her lips. Their cheeks turned red as everyone clapped. 

finally their souls united and promised to be there for each other for life...finally they started a life together.

Seokjin was really happy for his brother. he trusted Ji Hyun with him he knew his brother will have a happy life now away from all the abuse and sorrows. Yes he was going to miss him and the home wouldn't feel like home without his little brother but what mattered to him was Yoongi's better life.


Taehyung walked to the couple "Omg Noona Hi, hey hyung" He cheered "Noona?" Yoongi muttered under his breath as he raised an eyebrow. "Hello Taehyung" she said "Yoongi this is Taehyung my personal assistant-" "and also a brother" Taehyung added and smiled proudly Yoongi nodded looking at him Ji Hyun felt like smiling at his childishness but didn't. "Nice to meet you Taehyung" "Nice to meet you too...Hyung" He smiled genuinely. Taehyung handed them a gift "Oh thank you" Yoongi smiled. "let's take a picture" Taehyung gave a toothy smile...they took a picture. "I wish you both a happy and healthy married life" he hugged them "Taehyung why not you go eat there are many different types of dishes" Ji Hyun suggested "Great idea" Taehyung clapped in tiny and left. "He is a goofy person, I like him" Yoongi said "Yeah He is little childish his behaviour has made him the favourite person of everyone in the company" Ji Hyun said to which Yoongi nodded.

many guests came and greeted the couple, clicked pictures with them and gave them gifts. The media had come too. The moment they approached the newly weds Jang mi jumped in and stood beside Yoongi...Ji Hyun looked away and rolled her eyes.  they answered to the questions asked by the all would have went well if Jang mi didn't interfere...however the reporters asked her to get out of the frame so that it's just  the newly weds


Ji Hyun and Yoongi were standing with their families as they were chatting Ji Hyun was about to walk away to get a drink for herself when Yoongi stopped "You need at drink?" He asked to which she nodded "Wait I will bring it, it must be hard to walk in this dress" Yoongi faintly smiled before bringing a drink he was about to hand it to her when a child who was running here and there bumped into Yoongi's legs making him jerk forward because of which the drink spilt on Ji Hyun's dress Jang Mi gasped. "Oh my god" Deiji muttered everyone's attention was on them. there was a silence but soon it was broken and whispers were heard

"I- I'm sorry Ji Hyun I d-didn't meant to...spoil your dress" Yoongi stuttered "It's okay Yoongi" She said "I will go change" she said and walked away. Yoongi looked down "It's Okay my boy, don't worry" Hyun woo said.

When everyone was busy talking with guests Jang Mi called Yoongi to his room "what was that? you ruined her dress do you know everyone was looking at us You didn't even greet the guests properly and acted like a stupid in front of the media. Can't you act like an adult?" She looked pissed which made Yoongi anxious his hands were shaking as he lowered his gaze and spoke "I am sorry mom I didn't meant to-" he was cut off by a slap from Jang Mi "How many times shall I tell you to not mess up and disappoint me...I swear if you trouble her again I will make you go through hell. Got it?" Yoongi breathed heavily as he nodded

Jang Mi's gaze fell on the guitar kept with Yoongi's luggage "this guitar" she muttered walking to it Yoongi's eyes followed her She took out the guitar from the case and raised it in the air "M-mom no" Yoongi spoke before he could say or do anything she smashed the guitar to the floor it broke into piece "Your craziness about music is enough I had told you to stop it but you didn't, You forced me to do this" She left after saying this. A tear rolled down Yoongi's cheek. He wiped it.


It was time for the couple to leave. The families bid goodbye to them. Seokjin Hugged his brother "Bye Yoongs" "I will miss you Hyung" Yoongi whispered "I will miss you too, take care and have a happy married life my brother" said Seokjin pulling away Yoongi and Ji Hyun sat in the car the driver started to drive. Yoongi was looking outside the when Ji Hyun spoke "Yoongi..." "Yeah" he looked at her "I hope your parents had told you that we are going to live at my Mansion" "Your Mansion I Thought my mom had convinced you to live at our house" Yoongi looked surprised. "Expected" she whispered Yoongi felt relieved that he was not going to live with his parents anymore 

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