Part 7

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I can't let you get close to me...or you will get hurt.

Ji Hyun walked inside Mins' Mansion and was greeted by Jang Mi and Yoongi "Come sit dear" Jang Mi smiled Ji Hyun nodded before taking a seat along with them "So why did you call me here Mrs. Min?" Ji Hyun asked "Ohh actually I wanted to ask you something" She said "What is it" Ji Hyun raised an eyebrow

"it's about the Marriage..." Ji Hyun nodded for her to continue "I think we should let the world know about your should I...oh I mean should we reveal it?" She smiled awkwardly as her eyes pleaded her "Umm" Ji Hyun knew Jang Mi is using her to get fame but she didn't say anything since Yoongi was there. Ji Hyun glanced at Yoongi to know if he's okay with it. Jang Mi glared Yoongi which was unnoticed by Ji Hyun, he sighed and nodded "Okay then if you want you can reveal it to the media anytime you want" Ji Hyun agreed to her request Jang Mi chuckled

"Yes..." Jang Mi nodded "Ohh how rude of me to not ask you for drink what would you like?" raised her eyebrows "No I'm good I should get going" Ji Hyun got up and left

It was 6 in the evening Ji Hyun was still working that's when her phone started blowing up with notifications she took a look at it to know that Jang Mi has announced to the Media about the marriage, people were going crazy about the news "Isn't she too fast?" She mumbled she even saw the video of the café as the proof "from where did she have it? Did she send someone to spy on us that day? Man she's crazy" Ji Hyun thought to herself. She cursed under her breath

Taehyung entered her office "ma'am you have a meeting with Mr. Han in an hour at the blue café" Ji Hyun nodded and got up.


10 pm, Ji Hyun and Taehyung came out of the café after the long ass meeting. "It's late" Taehyung said looking at his watch "Yeah...Mr. Kim you can go home now we don't need to return to the company" Ji Hyun looked at him to which he nodded she went to parking lot to bring her car when she sat in her car she got a call from Yoongi her eyes light up she answered it "Hello?" she said "Ah Ji Hyun" she heard his voice "yeah" she replied "Did you see the social media...that post?" he asked "Yeah I did" "umm...." Yoongi wanted to talk to her but he didn't know what to say. He just wanted to hear her voice

Understanding his intention Ji Hyun smiled faintly "how was your day?" she whispered "It was fine...what about you? How was your day?" she could feel him smile "It was kind of...rough I had a lot of work to do" "Don't you think you work a lot you should go easy on yourself" he sounded worried it just made her smile more "you care about me, don't you?" Ji Hyun muttered there was silence Yoongi didn't know what to say Ji Hyun felt her heart clench when she didn't get any answer while on the other side Yoongi's cheeks heated up he wanted to say yes but he was too shy.

"Uh let's ignore-" Ji Hyun was about to change the topic when Yoongi cut off "yeah...I do...I care about you 'cause you are my future wife" he was blushing too hard Ji Hyun slightly smiled she felt butterflies in her stomach she let out a soft chuckle "It's late you should sleep..." Ji Hyun said "okay" Yoongi muttered he was still blushing he was glad she couldn't see his red face "good night...sleep well" Ji Hyun said "Good night' Yoongi hung up

Ji Hyun drove her out of the parking lot to the street where she saw Taehyung still standing outside the café a taxi was coming his way he waved at it to stop but it just passed him he sighed she drove to him "Mr. Kim get in the car I will drop you home" she said "Ah no thanks ma'am I don't want to trouble you" he politely denied "Get in" Ji Hyun said "I-" before Taehyung could speak two loud drunk women came his way "Oh my god! Who is this guy?!" They checked him out which made him uncomfortable

"He's so handsome" one of them squealed Taehyung didn't know how to reacted "I want to take him home" she wrapped her arm around his. "Uhh...A-aunt please let go" he stuttered Ji Hyun was enjoying seeing him struggled "hey do I look like a aunt to you" she snuggled more he tried pulling his hand away when the other one came and wrapped her arm around his other arm "Yah Ji Hyun help me!" He cried dramatically 'Ohh...only if you say please" She smirked "Aaahaaaaa" he whined 'stop being a brat and say please" she didn't stop smirking

"Please Ji Hyun please help me" He pleaded still struggling to get away from the drunk women "sure" Ji Hyun cleared her throat " grandmas get away from him" She spoke in her coldest voice which sent shivers to their spine "Y-yah do we look that old to you" they tried to stay brave "Don't make me repeat" she raised her voice making them flinch including Taehyung "okay okay" they let go of him and ran away

"Now you get in" she said in her normal monotone "Uhh Ji Hyun" he rubbed his nape she raised her eyebrow at him which made him shut up and sit in the front she started driving "thank you" He said "it's okay Mr. Kim" she said "Hey the office hours are over call me Taehyung" he spoke in his childish voice "Fine Taehyung" she rolled her eyes. It's almost three weeks he is working for her they got little close Ji Hyun didn't realize that, all she knew is he gave her good vibes she felt like protecting this boy at all cost she wanted to only see him happy

Taehyung also felt good being with her she was a sister figure to him she got this soft corner for him in her heart silence took over it was a comfortable silence which was soon broken by Taehyung "Ji Hyun..." "Yeah' she didn't look away from the road "You know from the moment you entered my became much better...can I-" Ji Hyun cut him "Are you confessing or something?" "Ohh god let me complete my sentence first." He gave a 'what the fuck' look to her "uh okay" she shrugged "So I was saying that can you Noona?" Taehyung bit his lower lip

Ji Hyun didn't spoke; she didn't know what to say she never let anyone get close to her after her first year of high school. She was scared, she might hurt others again... "Please I wanted a big sister since childhood" Taehyung pleaded with puppy eyes and a pout she couldn't resist his cuteness...he's just like him looking at taehyung reminds me of him what if i hurt taehyung too but i can't refuse him we go again she sighed "Okay you can call me Noona" "Yay" Taehyung cheered like a little boy "Can I call you Noona at work place too pwease" He again made that cute face which Ji Hyun couldn't resist She wanted to punch him for doing this to her

"Fine but only when it's just two of us" she rolled her eyes "hehehe" He giggled "Noona..." He spoke again "what now?" She raised her eyebrow "Umm I saw a post on social media today it was...about your wedding..." He said "Yeah so?" Ji Hyun said "will you not invite me to your wedding" he squealed "Yeah it's in two days you are invite she rolled her eyes again "Yesss" he squealed again "Gosh you are so loud" She sighed "I don't if I should ask this or not but from how many years you guys are together?" He asked "It's a arrange marriage" She muttered "Ohh" he looked at her

"Is he a good person?" He asked again "Yeah he is a really good guy" She said blankly not caring about anything "Do-" "Enough with the questions now we are here" She cut him off "Okay" he pouted "See you tomorrow Noona" he smiled "Yeah" She nodded before driving away.  

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