Chapter Nine

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The group of teens walked into the living room where Penny sat on the couch petting Lucky, who was laying his head on her lap. She was scratching the older dogs ears, cooing softly at him while she rested her nose against the dogs nose. Peter quietly slipped into the seat beside Penny, as he jumped over the back of the couch making the teenager jump before breaking out in a small fit of giggles. He put his arm around her shoulder making her look up at him.

"Hey princess." he greeted.

"Hi Pete," she responded.

"Whatcha doin?"

"Playing with Lucky." she replied, turning her attention back to the dog as she cooed softly at him, the retriever started wagging his tail at the girl, licking her in the face.

"I see you have met Lucky," he replied, scratching the dog's ears, "Where did you find him? He's been in Iowa for a few months."

"Kate said she found him on a mission a few years ago; he has one eye." she leaned over to the dog and nuzzled his nose with her own, "He's so cute...yes you are..." she cooed, "I've always wanted a dog....or a kitten." she replied as she gently petted the dog's head.

"She did, maybe Tony could let you get one." he replied, rubbing her arm softly, with his finger tips.

"Where are you going Pete?" she asked when she noticed he was wearing nicer clothes and his converse.

"We're going roller skating." he replied, grinning slowly at her.

"W-who?" she asked softly.

"Kate, Wanda, Pietro, and I." he replied.

"Oh" she replied, looking disappointedly down at Lucky on her lap.

Peter's smile faltered when he realized that she thought that he was going to leave her there; he quickly smiled at his sister again, "You want to come with us Princess?"he asked.

Penny looked back up at Peter, her eyes shining, "C-can I?"

"Of course Princess," he replied, pushing himself up from the couch.

Penny excitedly jumped up off the couch causing Lucky to wake up from his nap that he'd just slipped into; the thirteen year old smiled largely at her brother as she quickly pulled on her shoes.

"Uh Princess..." Peter called.

"Yeah Pete?" she asked, looking up at him.

"You need to change..." he replied, laughing a little at his sister who was still wearing her light green ruffled dress.

"W-why?" she asked, looking up at him with a questioning expression.

"Well, you're in a dress...roller skating...uh if you fall or something...someone is going to see up your dress and..." he explained softly.

"Oh," she responded, her ears turning red, "I'll be right back Petey." she replied, running towards the stairs.

"Okay, Princess, be careful going up the stairs!" he replied, calling after her as she bounced up the stairs.

She stopped halfway up the stairs and turned around, looking at him expectantly, "Please don't leave me Pete..." she asked before she continued to run up the stairs to Peter's room.

Once she reached the brunet teen's room, Penny quickly pulled off her clothes and quickly changed into a pair of pink and black shorts and a shorter waisted shirt. She quickly started running down the stairs to her brother and his friends, not wanting to be left behind by the older teens. Peter heard his sister running around upstairs as he and his friends waited at the door, the conversation that they'd had earlier that day replaying in his head again. They all turned towards the steps as they saw and heard her round the corner at the top of the steps. The hair on Peter's arms stood up as he felt his Spidey senses alerting him to something. Peter looked around to see what was setting them off when he looked at his sister. Peter looked at her and realized how fast she was running and thought of their conversation earlier again, reminding him that she was slightly clumsy. Then it happened, in her haste to get down the stairs so quickly, her foot missed a step and she stepped on her shoe laces, and she started a downhill course to the bottom of the stairs. Peter started to run, knowing that he wouldn't reach her in time; he just hoped that she wouldn't end up getting hurt. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Pietro speed by him, running towards the thirteen year old girl. Pietro reached the stairs just in time to catch Penny, who had closed her eyes, waiting for the impact of landing on the floor. Penny opened her eyes when she landed in Pietro's arm, he was looking down at her worriedly.

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