Chapter Thirty-Five

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Kate and Yelena unboarded from the quinjet that Tony had flown to Iowa for them, Kate shivered slightly at the cold air that started nipping at her nose. The cold Iowa air chilling her through her sweatshirt, she cuddled closer to Yelena who rubbed her arms to keep her warm.

"You kids have fun. Happy Thanksgiving." Tony announced, waving at the two teenagers.

"Thanks Tony," Kate replied, "Happy Thanksgiving."

"Yes, thank you Tony Stark." Yelena replied.

"Nat's going to bring you guys back on Saturday Morning for school," he announced.

"Okay, see you Saturday!" Kate replied, waving at him excitedly.

"Bye," Yelena bade as the door swung shut in front of them.

They stood in the field and watched the Quinjet fly off into the distance; Kate reached over and grabbed Yelena's hand and started pulling her towards the house that was sitting on top of the hill. Kate looked up at the sky, seeing the dark clouds in the sky that were a tell-tale sign of either rain or snow; either one would cause a freeze due to the low temperatures. She shivered slightly; before they even got to the door, Nate and Lila ran down the front steps towards them, both bundled up in thick winter coats. Kate dropped her duffle bag in the frozen dirt and opened her arms out for them.

"Katie!" Nate yelled, running over to the brunette and hugging her legs.

"Hi bud," she greeted, picking him up and hugging him.

"Hey! Where's my hug?" Lila asked playfully.

"Why don't you hug me and find out Li," the brunette replied, grinning at her.

Lilah grinned and hugged her before shifting her attention to Yelena.

"Lena!" she yelled, hugging her,

"Hi Lila," she replied, hugging the younger girl back as she ruffled the girl's hair.

"We've missed you." the younger girl announced.

"What am I chopped liver?" Kate asked, pretending to pout.

Lila grinned at her and playfully stuck her tongue at the girl, "No, we miss you too but you come home almost every weekend and every single break, Lena doesn't come that often."

Yelena stuck her tongue out playfully at the brunette, "I'm her favorite." she teased.

"And I'm Nate's," Kate replied, hugging the five year old a little tighter as she nuzzled her pinkened nose against his cheek, making him giggle.

Lila knelt down and picked up Kate's duffle bag, "Let's go inside, Mom and Aunt Nat are bringing out baby photos, maybe you can fix it." she groaned, "And dad said to make sure you don't spend too much time out here because you never dress right."

"Awww," Kate cooed at the baby pictures as she nodded at her father's comment; he was right, she never dressed right for the Iowa weather.

"Not aw," Lila replied, scrunching up her nose.

"You were a cute baby," Kate replied, pinching her younger sister's cheek.

Lila rolled her eyes and swatted her hand away.

By the time they got inside, Yelena had promised to spar with Lila and Cooper and Kate had promised to shoot arrows with the fourteen year old. When they got inside, Kate shook her arms out, her fingers stiff from the cold; Cooper grinned at her as he leaned against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest. He was tapping his foot rhythmically against the tile floor in the room, his face lighting up a little when he saw the two girls; he hugged the both of them.

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