Chapter Twenty-Eight

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As usual, Yelena was the first of the teenagers to wake up Monday morning; it was currently right after five in the morning, meaning Peter would be up soon due to being hungry, the boy was almost always hungry. She tossed her white covers off and made her way to the bathroom so she could wash her face to fully wake herself up. Five minutes later, she was dabbing her face dry with a towel before walking back into her room and pulling off her night-shirt. She went to grab a t-shirt and jeans before remembering she had a presentation in Spanish and they were required to dress up. She begrudgingly stuffed them back in their respective spots in the dresser, and walked over to her closet and threw it open. She sifted through her clothes before settling on a white dress with little red hearts on it, she pulled the dress on over her head and tightened the belt on it to where it fit better before going over to her makeup set up on her dresser and started working on some light makeup. After she finished doing her makeup, she let her down and brushed it out before pulling the majority of it up into a large bun on the top of her head. She purposely left her bangs out and a few face framing layers that rested against her cheeks. Before leaving, she tugged on a pair of short boots and grabbed her backpack. When she arrived downstairs, Peter was already at the kitchen island eating a large plate of waffles. His hair looked like he'd attempted to comb it down with water but failed, as it was still damp and little ringlets were starting to form at his ears and the base of his neck. For once, he wasn't wearing his beat up black converse, he'd swapped them out for a pair of hey dudes with khakis and a polo shirt with a navy blue sweater over it. Pietro was the next to appear downstairs, part of his ash blonde hair was pulled back in a little ponytail in an effort to look more put together. His ripped jeans and t-shirt had been traded in for a pair of slacks and a black, red and beige striped polo type shirt. Yelena took a picture of him and saved it to her album of pictures that she knew Pietro would hate for her to have. Wanda and Penny came down stairs at the same time, the younger of the two sleepily greeted everyone and climbed into the stool next to her brother and nibbled on some pancakes. Nat slid her a small cup of coffee, telling her that this was a one-time thing, she didn't want the thirteen year old to become addicted to it like several other members of the team. The thirteen year old nodded her head and slowly sipped the beverage while nibbling on an apple. Her blue plaid dress matched the color of her brother's sweater, Yelena found it interesting how the two somehow ended up matching a little at least half of the time. Sometimes it was the color, other times it was the pattern, one time they both ended up wearing a flannel shirt that the blonde swore was an exact copy of the others. Wanda went straight for the coffee pot, she was also one of the coffee addicted teenagers perhaps the most addicted of them all. She leaned against the counter sipping a cup of coffee, the bell sleeves of her dress were waving as she moved her arms around. Yelena could tell she didn't sleep well, she was wearing more concealer under her eyes. But if that wasn't a sign in itself, the tiredness that was evident in her eyes was as well as how her hands were slightly shaking. Yelena assumed she had another episode especially when Pietro was whispering quietly to her when no one was listening, other than Peter because he could hear almost everything in the compound. The only way they could avoid Peter's ears in the building was if he wasn't there, if he was in the lab because it was sound proofed or if he was in the quiet room that Tony had built for sensory overloads and code greens. Kate came downstairs last, she was wearing loose fitted deep green pants, a sports bra and a mesh-like black t-shirt with butterflies on it. Her hair was pulled up in a neat ponytail that was swinging behind her as she ran down the stairs. She grabbed a banana and a waffle from the toaster and quickly ate them before Natasha ushered the teens out of the compound to the car where Happy was waiting on them. At seven fifty-eight Happy pulled up to the building and quickly ushered them out of the car before giving them a gruff "Have a good day kids" and driving to the company where Pepper and Natasha were already waiting for him. Peter and Penny were the first to disperse from their group, Peter had dragged his baby sister off to her locker so they could get their belongings and get to their English class. Yelena grabbed Kate's hand and pulled her down the hall, Pietro shook his head at the two girls with a small grin on his face. His arm was still draped over Wanda's shoulder, she was leaning into her shoulder, she looked exhausted and pale.

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