Chapter Forty-Three

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Loki stepped out of the shadows of the warehouse towards Adrian Toomes, who was looking over something in his hands at the small table that was in the center of the main room of the building. He slipped into the chair across from the man, he crossed his arms and leaned back against the chair. The gray-haired man looked up at him and placed what he was looking at face down on the table.

"Mister Laufeyson," he drawled, "how is our little guest? Adjusting well to her new abilities, I presume?"

Loki resisted the urge to scoff at him, "She's learning quickly," the raven-haired god replied, "her powers are stronger than you anticipated, she has more abilities than you described she would."

The man grinned, "Perfect, we'll discuss them later." he announced, he sounded proud of himself, "She might be more important than I thought she'd be."

Loki cleared his throat, hoping to try and appeal to the father side of the man in front of him, "There is something else, Mister Toomes."

"What is it?" the man asked, not bothering to look at him from whatever was in his hands.

"She needs medical treatment, she's-"

The man cut him off, "We've discussed this topic before Mister Laufeyson." he replied, his gaze cold as he looked up at him. "The girl is fine. She will not be going to a hospital and we will not return her. She will not get the treatment that you so feel she needs. End of discussion."

Loki growled quietly, "I am well aware of what we've discussed Adrian." he snapped, "However, I am also aware that Miss Parker is growing physically weaker by the day, if not by the hour. I feel her dying Mister Toomes, the life within her body is fading away. She will not last much longer." he replied, leaning forward onto the table.

The man shrugged, "That is not our problem Mister Laufeyson, we will continue with the plan as we've planned it. She will not leave and we will not take her anywhere. If she dies, she dies." he replied nonchalantly.

Loki's temper was threatening to rear its ugly head at the man's words, "The plan wasn't to give the girl powers," he replied, his tone cool, "nor were your episodes of anger release on the girl. You seem to forget that she is just a child, a rather young child. Surely you must feel something, you have a daughter close to her age, no?"

The man glared at him, "You are right, but my daughter is much stronger than that girl." he paused and shrugged, "Plans change."

Loki sat up, "If she dies, the blood is on your hands." he paused slightly, reigning in his temper, "Partially mine as well for bring her to you in the first place...but I refuse to kill or harm anyone else, let alone a child. The blood of her life will be on your hands, you have enough blood on your hands already; you've beaten the girl senseless." he replied, his pale green eyes, narrowing as he spoke.

The man let out a deep bellied laugh, "I do not care if the girl dies, Mister Laufeyson. The plan is to eliminate the spider-boy, he's a child too. If you consider a sixteen year old boy a child, then he is a stupid child who stands in the way of our plans. What's one more member of the Parker family dying? The end of a bloodline is nothing to me." he replied, Loki could see evil radiating from the man's eyes, "Think of the big picture Mister Laufeyson, we remove the Parkers from our way, we are one step closer to removing the Avengers permanently. If Penelope dies," he tilted his head to the side and laughed in amusement, "it furthers the cause. Perhaps it will be painful and tragic, slow even, but at the end of the line, the cause is completed. The assured destruction of the Avengers."

Loki nodded, making up his mind and understanding that the man truly didn't care about the thirteen year old in the boiler room, "Very well then." he replied.

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