Chapter Fifty

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Friday afternoon Pietro ran out of the building, he dumped his stray papers, empty pens and other items he wouldn't need for the next school year into the trashcan by the door. He jumped up and down in his spot and picked up Penny, placing her on his shoulders. He spun around, laughing happily, making the others laugh at the action. Penny gripped onto his arms, which were holding onto her wrists so she wouldn't fall.

"P-Pietro put me down." she giggled.

"Why would I do that princessa? We're free! We're free!" he repeated in a sing-songy voice.

The brunette giggled, "Wanda's right you're so dramatic."

He jumped down the steps and she tightened her grip on the boy's arms, "Well, who else would give my lovely little sisters and brother the dramatics they deserve?" he asked in a sing-songy tone.

Wanda laughed and playfully smacked her brother's head, "Did you really throw out all your papers?" she asked.

The ash-blond laughed, "Yes I did little witch," he replied, "I don't need it anymore."

The younger girl rolled her eyes, "You could've saved them." she replied.

He laughed and shrugged, "Eh." he replied.

Penny tightened her grip on the boy's arm, "D-don't drop me!" she giggled.

Pietro shrugged, "Don't worry princessa, I got you. We have so many plans for the next week."

Penny laughed and nodded, "My party next Saturday, shopping on Monday after mom and Nat get off of work, Steve says you have a doctor's appointment next week too. Mom and Dad are taking us to Coney Island...I haven't been to CI in a long time...Is it still fun?"

Pietro laughed, "It's amazing princessa, you'll love it. I promise." he replied.

The brunette nodded, "Okay."

Pietro bounced a little more with each step, making the younger girl tighten her nervous grip on his arms, "You got quite the grip there princessa," he teased, "don't worry about falling." he assured.

"I just don't want more stitches..." she replied softly.

He laughed, "I know that princessa, but don't worry. I'm not going to drop you," he replied, grinning at her even though she couldn't see it, "I know that you're excited that you get your stitches removed when we get home."

The younger girl nodded, "Yeah..."

"So don't worry, you're in perfectly safe hands."

She nodded, slightly loosening her grip on the boy's arms, "Okay...I trust you."

"Good, now what's this I hear about a pool party after the big party?" he asked.

"Oh...I've never had a pool party before...Dad said I could get anything I wanted and I said I wanted a pool party...I don't have any bruises to cover any more or cuts so I can do one now. He said it was fine, but I still had to have the big party." she replied, deflating slightly at the mention of the party.

The boy laughed, "Well, I think that it's a great idea."

"Really?" she asked.

He nodded emphatically, his ash-blond locks bouncing at the action, "Yes, all the more freedom for me to throw you into the pool princessa."

Penny laughed, "Hey!" she squeaked in protest.

"Don't worry princessa, I'll be gentle."

"Maybe I'll throw you in the pool." she countered, huffing slightly.

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