Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Yelena woke up bright and early at six a.m. the following Sunday, accidentally bumping into Kate as she moved. Kate sat up in the bed next to her, rubbing the sleep from her blue eyes. She looked over at the alarm clock that the blonde had just turned off and plopped back down on the bed, pulling a pillow over her face. Yelena untangled herself from the covers and gently shook Kate to see if the other girl was awake. The brunette pulled the pillow down from her face and groaned.

"Lena what are you doing?" she asked, sleep laced in her voice.

"Natasha's birthday is tomorrow." the blonde replied, grinning at her.

Kate sat up a little, leaning on her arms for support, "I know that....I bought her the arrow bracelet that goes with the necklace my dad got her for Christmas last year." she replied, yawning again.

The blonde nodded, "She'll like that.." she replied.

The brunette grinned slightly, "What does Nat's birthday have to do with why I'm awake at six a.m on a Sunday morning?" she asked.

The blonde rolled her eyes, "Because we have school tomorrow, meaning we won't get to celebrate, really. So we're celebrating today." she replied, lightly flicking the teenager's head.

"But why are we up this early?" the brunette asked again, covering a yawn with her hand.

"Because we're making plushki, it's Tasha's favorite Russian breakfast. Tasha sleeps till eight on Sunday, it's the only day she sleeps in." she replied shrugging.


"Well, usually Wanda and I make breakfast with Peter after he wakes up on Sunday's; today we're going to make it for Tasha to make her happy. We'll give her presents later, but today we make her a special breakfast that way its not like we forgot her birthday since everyone is going to be so busy tomorrow."

The younger girl nodded her head at her girlfriend's words, "Can I help?" she asked.

Yelena grinned and kissed her cheek, "Of course. But you have to get out of bed first. Wanda and Peter are already awake." she announced.

"How is Wanda up before you?"

"She was excited to help make breakfast and Peter always seems to know when we're planning a surprise." she replied, shrugging.

Kate laughed, "He always does." she agreed, throwing the covers off of herself. "Why is it so cold?" she asked, shivering.

"Because it's December in New York and all you're wearing is one of my t-shirts," the blonde replied. "Go change or you'll get yourself sick and I'm not taking care of you."

Kate nodded, "Fine, but then I won't take care of you next time either." she replied, playfully sticking out her tongue.

The blonde raised an eyebrow at her, "Oh really?" she asked, her voice picking up at the end.

Kate shook her head, grinning at her, "No, I couldn't do that to you Lena, I love you too much." she replied, grinning as she kissed her girlfriend's cheek.

Yelena blushed slightly, "Kate Bishop, go put on some warm clothes and meet me downstairs." she replied, pulling the brunette towards the door so the girl couldn't see how much she was blushing.

Kate laughed at the flustered blonde, "Whatever you say Lena."

Yelena sighed at the girl, "I'll have coffee ready for you when you come down." she replied.

"Thanks, remember don't give Pete any." she reminded.

"I will not make that mistake twice," the blonde replied, remembering the last time she'd given Peter coffee.

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