Imagine: Enemy [Part 2]

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~H/n's POV~

The moment y/n walked in, I knew that we'd be having this talk, whether she wanted to or not.

I carry her all the way to a room with a bed couch and TV with nothing on the walls. The guest-room. I sit her down on the couch in the far corner as she's still kicking her feet to get out of my firm grip.

"E/n, what the hell?" She yells. "You can't just drag me to a place expecting me to cooperate! Like hello?!"

"Nothing I've never done before." I say calmly through a light smirk and cage her with my hands planked on the back of the couch.

"What do you even want?" She crosses her arms. I just look into her eyes and sigh.

You want to know the truth? I'll tell you the truth.

I kneel down to her level, my arms traveling down with me but staying on the back of the couch. "Did you mean what you said? About a/b?"

"That he's the hottest in the group? Of course I meant it. What's that got to do with anything?" She huffs.

My jaw clenches but I try to contain my anger. "Do you like him?" I ask more strained than I mean to.

"E/n, if you're getting salty over a game, I'm going to laugh right in your face." I roll my eyes and standup, starting to pace back and forth, across her eyesight.

"It's more than that, y/n." I wipe my face with my hand and brush my hair back. "Just so you know, I didn't want to kiss bsf/n, and no not because I'm a jerk." I stare at the wall.

"She really likes you, you know." She stands and begins walking towards me. "She could be downstairs crying because you broke her heart, and I can't comfort her because I'm up here with you. Do you realize how bad this looks?"

"For you, yeah. For me? God, for me I could care less, because the only thing that matters to me right now is how you feel."

She stops walking, standing in front of me. She looks taken back from what I just said. So I keep going.

"Hearing you talk about another guy is practically ruining me. In fact, it's damaged me to the point where I can't even reflect the behavior. Your behavior. That 'revenge' we always threaten and payback, all of it, I can't do it. I don't want to. If you knew how I feel-"

I stop and take a deep breath before continuing. "I couldn't kiss your best friend, y/n. I can't. Because I love you."

I don't know if I should regret this, but I don't. I have so much courage right now to even look her in the eyes. Those pretty little eyes.

"I love you so much that it hurts. It burns me seeing you talk to other guys. It strains me to even think about kissing your best friend, no offense to her. But I don't want her, I want you."

She stands there for a good minute in silence, which frightens me a bit. She's wide eyed and letting out multiple pants. I begin to walk backwards heading for the door, until I notice she's walking into my direction.

"Wait." She unfolds her arms, keeping them at her side and takes one last step so she's right in front of me, toe to toe.

The next thing I knew, arms were wrapped around my neck and her lips were on mine. She kissed me. She kissed me.

I kiss her back immediately, though I'm still in shock. She feels the same way? How? I swear she hated me 2 seconds ago. I wrap my arms around her waist. I walk until my back meets the wall. Her hands fall to my chest. Our kiss didn't break.

"E/n." She whispered against my lips.

"Yes, beautiful?"

She pulls back and looks me in the eyes. "I love you."

I grin and pull her back in for a long peck, a kiss on the forehead and a hug. One where I know my embrace is comfort to her.

"I love you so much, "y/n."


That's it.

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