Imagine: Crush

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It's your birthday, and it's been a long day of class. The only thing is you have no friends, nor do you like publicly celebrating your birthday.

You were tired and looking forward to making yourself pizza and cookies back at home. Though you were so tired, you might just order the pizza and call it a day.

You walked into your apartment, throwing your bag on the floor. When you enter the living room, you notice a square shaped object on your glass table. You tilt your head to the side and furrow your brows in concern. Slowly walking to the table, realization hits that someone is in your apartment. It makes you hesitant to interact with whatever this thing could be.

You take a deep breath and take a seat on the couch. The square shaped object was a cake that read "Happy Birthday, Y/n!<3" and a card was laid next to it. There's also a rose placed in the center of the card. You blush and read the card.

"To find out who I am, you must go on a quest. Just a few feet though, then turn to the left."

Taking the rose, you begin to walk to your bedroom because that's where the directions lead you. The moment you opened the door, your heart dropped and so did your jaw, and card. There was a candle lit pathway and a heart shaped by rose petals, and sitting on the bed was a handsome c/n, in a tux with a rose in his mouth like in the romantic movies. You cover your mouth and laugh trying to cover your fluster. He got up eagerly, and walked right in front of you.

"Happy birthday." He said before he gently rests his hands on your arms, keeping heavy eye contact, as if waiting for you to say something. You didn't know what to say.

"I- how-" you begin.

"Your window is really easy to slip into."


"Anyways," he shakes his head and continues. "Y/n, you are the greatest girl and I love the time we spend together. Every time I'm with you, I feel a spark." He grabs your hands. "Do you feel it too?"

Your heart lightens up and you feel heat in your veins. A mix of adoration and adrenaline fills your blood. All you can do is nod your head in response. He chuckles breathlessly. Resting his forehead on yours, he kisses your nose.

"Can I be yours? I want to be your boyfriend." He strained out with desperation. "Please."

"Of course, h/n." You lean in and kiss him on the lips. "I've been yours since day one." You whisper.

"Yeah."  He laughs. "Happy birthday, y/n." 

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