Imagine: Boyfriend

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It's thanksgiving weekend.

I finally get to see h/n after his annual trip. I've missed him too much.

Since we haven't seen each other for 2 weeks about, both our parents agreed to my family picking him up and taking him home. Home with us.

We pull up to the parking lot and I start to get nervous. We'd basically been an online couple, texting everyday and FaceTiming. It's not the same as in person. What if his energy's different or worse...what if mine is different?

"You can run in there by yourself right?" Mom asks. I nod my head. I take a deep breath as she parks and the moment I open the door, I get the sudden urge to sprint. And I do. I sprint all the way until I've reached the end of the security gate.

I'm out of breath panting, and rest my hands on my knees trying to slow down the pace of my fast-beating heart. I look up, locking eyes with him. He raises his brows, quite adorable, and my heart fluttered. Excitement pounded through my veins, and I was just about to walk through security myself until he began walking in my direction.

I couldn't hold back the smile I was feeding.

The moment he passed that line, I threw myself into his arms. He wrapped them around my waist and lifted me, spinning me.

I laugh and whisper in his ear, "I missed you so much."

He pulls back and looks me on the eyes. "I missed you way more."

"Pfft, yeah, okay." I hug him again and he kisses my cheek. Once we pull away he grabs me by the face and kisses every part: Cheek, nose, forehead, chin, and lips.

"You taste as I remember." He said. I inaudibly gasp and hit his arm. "H/n!"

"What?" He shrugged.

"Not here." I say.

"Well it's kinda hard when you're so cute, y/n." With that, you two began walking out the airport to the car. "We're in public." I press.

"So?" He puts his hands on each of my arms and I tilt my head back, receiving a kiss from him.

"I love you." He says while wrapping his arm around me.

"I love you." I grab his hand hanging off my shoulder and kiss it.


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