Imagine: Enemy

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You're pacing back and forth, from one end of your bedroom to the other due to how stressed you are. You've just gotten stood up for a date. It pisses you off because you could be at work right now, getting in extra hours, catching up on school work, and running errands, but instead, you're stuck in this uncomfortable, yet extremely cute, outfit with nowhere to go.

As you make it to each end of your room, you do a task. Either it's cleaning your desk, putting away clothes, getting another piece of clothing to put away, or any other excuse to make your way to each other side of the room.

"You seem stressed." Your enemy says smugly from the doorway. You just continue pacing because if you didn't expect him to be there, the door would have been closed.

"Thank you for the observation, Einstein." You say firmly, folding a hoodie and placing it on your bed. You finally stop pacing and turn to look at him. You're only annoyed at the smirk that's barely placed on his face. You roll your eyes and look at the bed, crossing your arms. You hear his footsteps coming towards you but you only take a deep breath and close your eyes.

"I can't believe I was stood up." I whisper. "I really can't believe it."

You begin to pace back and forth again, while he takes a seat on your bed. "And I could have been making a bank right now, I could have been catching up on schoolwork and projects and in a hoodie and sweats and watching horrible romcoms in the comfort of my amazing bed that you've for some reason placed your ass on. I wouldn't be cleaning right now if I hadn't thrown a bunch of clothes out my closet looking for this dress and jacket. It's annoying too, I really liked this guy, e/n. I actually liked him."

Your rant is interrupted when you notice e/n walking towards you again. He places his hands on your arms to stop your quick pace. You look up at him and he sighs. He doesn't look smug anymore. He looks serious. Into your eyes.

"I can believe it." Is all he says. You tilt your head confused.

"You can believe what?" You ask.

"That you got stood up." He leans closer to your ear. "How do you think I knew you were home?"

Your lips part as you comprehend what he said. You suddenly shove his chest leaving no impact or reaction on him. "What the hell did you do?" You yell. He covers your mouth with his hand as his smirk comes back.

"I only told him that if he touches you or even somewhat nears you, I won't hesitate to-" you look at him, insinuating you don't want to hear it. "-talk to him."

You know what he meant be that. You didn't have to ask. "Why would you do that?" Muffled against his hand, you hold back a chuckle.

He lowers his hand from you slowly, keeping his fingertips on every inch of you trailing down to your arm. "Why would I let you go out with another guy?" He whispers.

"Because you want to see me happy." 

"Would you have been? Or are you just distracting yourself for what you're afraid is real?" He raises his eyebrows, the serious gaze not faltering. You gulp and close your eyes again. You feel his forehead press against yours and his hands link with yours. You then feel his lips on yours for only a brief second and you gasp on his lips before he pulls away.

Your eyes then open. There's the smile. Not a smirk, but a smile. He's hopeful. He knows how you feel about him. He asks nothing about it, though. He just looks at you.

"How about we put this dress to use, yeah?" He whispers.

"I'm listening." You tilt your head, curiously.

"How about I take you out? It's not too late. We can go wherever you want." He says. His face is moving closer and closer. Your noses rub together and your lips near each other.

"Say yes so I can kiss you again."

You smile. "Yes."

And he kisses you.
He's your roommate btw. Forgot to mention it.

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