Imagine: Brother's Best Friend

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~Bbf/n POV~

I was sitting in my best friend's room, gaming on his PC while waiting for him to get out the bathroom. I lose yet another game, so I decide to log off before I completely obliterate his system.

I sigh deeply. What's taking so long?

I get up out his gaming chair, trying to think of ways to stall time. I start to walk downstairs to cook food, but only make it past the second door to the right. I hear music blasting and see red L.E.D lights through the bottom. I try to verify the song that's playing.


There's only one other person y/b has told me that lived in his house, and that's his little sister. I only assumed that she was really young, like 9, maybe 10.

That is until I heard the song and saw the lights.

I put my ear to the door, but all I hear is faded music and a few footsteps. I don't want to seem creepy but I'm super curious.

I let a few knocks on the door, making sure to leave them quietly. I hear a few footsteps, slower than the ones before. I take a quick step back so I don't seem as weird as I felt.

When the door opened, I was in almost complete shock when I look down and see a girl, around my age, in flannel pajama pants and a tank top. My lips part before I had the chance to think of anything to say to her.

She looks up at me through very long lashes and her blue light frames. Her hair is in a messy bun and she looks about ready for bed.

She's literally stunning.

For a second, I forgot I literally have never introduced myself and never have seen her before in my life.

"Who are you?" When she asked, chills ran through my body.

Her voice sounds like it's singing every word it speaks. Music to my ears.

"Uh..." I look around to see if y/b is out of the bathroom yet. Nope.

I forgot my name for a sec then snapped out of it. "Oh, I'm H/n." The door is still cracked to where I can't see inside the room, I can just see her head popping out the crevice. She's still looking up at me, and I can't help but nearly melt.

"Oh, you're y/b's friend." She said softly. "I'm y/n."

Pretty name.

"Nice to meet you, y/n."

She just smiles lightly and continues to gaze at me. I feel a smile tugging at my own lips. "Do you wanna..." she asks, gesturing to open the door more.

I was tempted to. Extremely tempted. Then I remember why I'm here, and who I'm here for. "I really shouldn't-"

She interrupts, "Oh no, it's totally fine. Just thought you needed some entertainment waiting for my slow brother, that's all." She seems flustered. I hold back a chuckle.

I smirk to myself and lean in. "I'll tell you what." I take a loose pen out my pocket and gently grab her wrist and write my number on it.

"H/n!" Y/b yells from the other room.

I tuck the pen away and whisper "text me, please." I rush back into his room and see him sitting on his bed. I join him, and see a notification pop up on my phone. I see it's an unsaved number and I smile to myself.

Calm down, there will be a part 2.

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