Imagine: Enemy

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"Come on out, dummy." Reads a text from e/n.

You both are going to a birthday party fake dating, as revenge on both of your cheating exes. You weren't for it until he began to describe the types of things you guys could do as a fake couple.

Hand holding, cuddling, kissing...more? And you caved.

You're a sucker for romance. Even if it's with the person you hate the most in the world.

You're wearing a shimmery dress that shines purple in the moonlight but in reality, it's blue. You pair that with heeled boots and a leather jacket. You look like you're about to go to the club, which is perfectly set for the dynamic of yours and e/n's "fake relationship".

You run out the door, spotting his motorcycle on the sidewalk by your driveway. He rode it here, knowing that attention would immediately be on you, falling into the grand scheme of things.

"Hey there, girlfriend." He teases with a slight smirk.

"Shut the hell up." Is all you said as you approach the ride.

"Shit." He practically whispers with wide eyes. "What?" You ask.

"I only have one helmet." He says meeting your eyes. You just shrug. "It's okay. I don't need one." You throw your leg over the bike scoot up towards his back. This close proximity does things to you. It's nothing you can't handle though. You've been closer to him. E/n chuckles and unbuckles the strap of the helmet, placing it over your head. "Crazy girl."

"You're the one driving!" You stress.

"Exactly." He turns slightly so you can hear him better. "I'm the one with more experience. Therefore, if I crash, such is unlikely, I'll be the one receiving far more intense consequences." He explained quite well and convinced you to argue no more.

You wrap your arms tight around his waist as he starts the engine. "Keep holding on." He says sternly. You don't know why he cared so thought you both wanted each other dead.

He drives off and the ride is actually a breath of fresh air and spontaneous. It felt wild, different and with the wind flowing in your hair, you felt free. You felt like you could breathe and like you were flying. That is until you pulled up to e/n's buddie's house.

He parks his bike by a tree in the front yard and you take off the helmet, not sure what to do with it. He takes it from you and sits it on your former spot behind him. He hops up himself and walks next to you. You're just viewing the house, a nervous wreck.

Suddenly, you feel his hand wrap around yours. Butterflies spread through your stomach and to lower as you forget about the plan.

It's pretend.

He turns, looking down at you and smiles. "You ready?"

You just nod and you both walk up to the door hand-in-hand. When he opens the door, you stay that way. His buddy walks up to him and daps him up in a bro hug. A couple girls walk up and wave with their boyfriends by their side, though none of them ask about you or even talk to you.

That's annoying as fuck.

As you walk further into the house, you notice a group of guys eyeing you. You feel a bit uneasy and unhook your hand with your enemy to hold on to his arm. You wrap your arms around his left one and he looks down at you, brows furrowed in confusion. You nod your head toward the group subtly and as if he gets it, he nods and kisses your forehead. He leans down his 6"2 figure to your height. "Stay by my side, okay?"

"What, you don't want h/e(his ex) to see you alone?" You tease.

He looks slightly offended and defends, "No, I don't want to see you alone with another guy. I don't trust anyone here, let alone with you."  

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