Just Love

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I must be crazy to do this 

I have to be insane 

I'm such a fool for doing this 

Yet I don't regret loving you 

*insert chuckle* 

You know, it's funny somehow 

I don't know how, I don't know why 

But it just makes me laugh: 

I think I'm in love with you. 

Well, "in love with" is a strong phrase, 

So much so that it kind of scares me. 

But only a little, but still, you know? 

So I'll say instead, I like you too much. 

*le sigh dramatique* 

How do I figure, you wonder? 

Well, let me tell you a story. 

I wake up in the morning, you are one of the first things on my mind. 

I go about my day, I think of you. 

Even when I'm not consciously doing it, your name pops up everywhere. 

I'm watching a video on YouTube, 

I wish I was there with you 

I see a beautiful quiet place, 

I imagine us sharing that space 

Even when I go to bed, 

Your name's all that's in my head. 

I wish I could tell everyone, but I can't. 

I can't express this feeling into words.
Not that there's anyone else important to tell 

Who'll listen without judging me 

Who'll let me love, and let me be 

But it doesn't matter at all to me 

Because last I checked, loving is free 

It's more than just another crush 

Or a passing infatuation 

It feels surreal, it feels for real 

It's an occupational hazard, this thing 

Because before I know it, I'm daydreaming 

I'm constantly finding me smiling to myself 

A happy smile because it's you, 

A sad smile because I'm me 

It's more than titles, labels or names, 

This feeling that I have for you: 

It's past questioning, it's all I knowー 

I'm not gay; I just love you. 

The Darkness Within: Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now