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Oh Euphoria, where have you gone?
Your beauty I admire,
Your joy I do desire
The moment with you, so heavenly

Oh Euph, the love of my simple youth,
But to spend time in your presence
In your radiance
Your beauty
Your vibrance

I search for you in my despair
For but to lift my heavy burden
To escape the weight of this world
Heavy on my shoulders
Bending my back

And you grace me with the illusion
Of freedom, of peace,
Of time with you
But at what cost?
One far too great, I fear.

You embrace me in your arms
Numbing my pain
Caressing my face
Whispering sweetness
And I am struck by you
By your empty promises
For you leave me wanting more

You drop me back into this world
Away from you,
You violently wake me from your trance
Leaving me bruised
With a hole in my heart

And so I search for you once more
One more breath of these toxic fumes
One more drag of your deadly smoke
Then I'm there
With you
And for a brief moment, I can see your face
You're so beautiful
So beautiful

Until I start to fall 
And you're gone
I search again
But all in vain
But to numb the pain
I smoke again

The Darkness Within: Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now