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I'm done running, I'm done hiding
Come and find me if you dare
I won't move or go away
Come on, darkness, I'll fight you

I know it's a losing fight
But I'll fight you all the same
This I know for sure, though,
That I will not play your game

I'm done running, I won't hide
Here I stand and here I stay
I'm tired of it, all jokes aside,
So come find me here today

I will fight you, I'll embrace you,
I will hide you as I grow
You'll engulf me, I don't care
I will fight you, this I know

I am weary of this pain
I dislike all this heartache
So I stand here in the rain
All alone, in the cold, I shake

Everyday that I'm awake
I keep moving, running, hiding
But now I will do it no more
I'm right here, breathing, bleeding

I'm alive, so I'll keep living
Come and find me, I don't care
My weary heart is still beating;
Come and fight me, if you dare

I'm done pushing against the wind
So I'll ride it like a kite
Though I'm bleeding, I'm still breathing
I'm done barking: now I'll bite.

The Darkness Within: Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now