It's That Simple

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Just get a girl.
Get a girl, you'll fit right in.
You won't have to hide or try
To fit in, comply, or battle within

Just get a girl.

It's that simple, that's all it takes.
Act natural, don't be too weird,
Don't be too dull, but don't stick out
You'll be okay, I promise you.

It's so simple and straightforward
It's not much they're asking of you
Just be normal, and all will be well
I'm sure it's nothing you can't do

There's nothing to it:
Just go and find, go make a match
There's plenty of fish in the open sea
Just be careful what you catch

Just get a girl.

And remember that you're Christian
Wherever you go, whatever you do
Put God first and He'll see you through
And, of course, don't be flashy

You can show your personality
But that's as far as it goes
Anything more and questions will arise
Them folks just ain't so kind

You can let it out- all you anger
Your frustrations and your sorrows
Let it out how you do best
Write, sing, and live for tomorrow

Just get a girl.

You'll be okay
It's not that bad
Not bad at all
In fact, it's the best thing ever.

It is.

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